Reforming orthodox rabbis’ organisation

March 10, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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In a joint statement, the Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Australia and the New Organisation of Rabbis of Australia will ensure appropriate standards are met and maintained.

Rabbi Selwyn Franklin

Rabbi Selwyn Franklin

Romy Leibler for COSA and Rabbi Selwyn Franklin for NORA released the following statement:

“NORA is committed to substantive reform to ensure that the representative Rabbinic organisation of Australia meets appropriate standards of governance and accountability.

COSA fully supports NORA in this process.  NORA is presently dedicated solely to that function and until that reform is effected, NORA is not in position to take other action, including issuing statements or comments on other issues.

At the same time, NORA encourages and supports all organisations servicing the Jewish community to ensure that they too take measures to establish the proper structures and  meet appropriate standards of governance and accountability and looks forwards to working in tandem with COSA to achieve this aim.”


14 Responses to “Reforming orthodox rabbis’ organisation”
  1. ALAN SLADE says:

    What a shame this “new” organisation perpetuates the dichotomy within our community, whereby the “orthodox” rabbinate refuses to accept the “reform” rabbinate. Surely both COSA and NORA are aware that we have enough problems with antisemitism without their inherent discrimination. Surely we are all Jews and should be able to practice our faith without needing to be hypocrites, by professing to be orthodox, while happily consuming treif and ignoring shabbat and chagim.

    • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

      Alan, I doubt the members of the average Orthodox Synagogue in Australia sees themselves as a hypocrite because they may not adhere to Halachic practice in the areas of Shabbos or Kosher.
      I believe that if those synagogues are dynamic and inviting more and more members with be drawn to Torah observance.

      • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

        There are very professional and expert organization which are charged with standing up to anti-Semitism in communities around the world.
        We live in democracies, people have a right to gather w in religious settings which conform to their philosophy, sometimes there are theological difference which cannot be bridged.
        Notwithstanding, all sector should speak civilly to each other, the needy should be helped irrespective of affiliation.

  2. Avigael Cassel says:

    Next is for these organisations to have Will and Authority to deal with the problems. Useless having this if there is no competence or ability to deal with the problems faced by the Australian Orthodox Community It is one thing to have the figurehead, it is another altogether to deal the issues at hand.

    • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

      I believe that the new organization will have both the will and authority to decisively deal with all the necessary issues.
      Every person both Lay and Rabbinic want structures put in place so that the evils of the past are not repeated.

      • Avigael Cassel says:

        To do this, they must address the elephant in the room that as yet, no one has dared to – the issue of corrupt Rabbinical Courts. So far, there is yet to be anything even on the horizon here – let alone in action. However we will see. Until a complete performance appraisal and all past clientelle surveyed, the extent of the corruption and problems are not even known yet. All we know is that there is victims strewn like a train wreck in its wake. The victim count and depth has to be done.

        • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

          Dear Avigael
          I am unclear as to what you refer.
          which “Rabbinic Courts”?.
          what does ” performance appraisal” mean in the context of your comments?.
          which ” clientele”, of whom and where are they.
          ” train wreck in its wake”?.

          With respect your comments seems emotive, vague and lack a cogent theme.

  3. ben gershon says:

    will they work with the progressive union ?

    or will be same as before


    • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

      people have the right to their theological differences, however we must always treat even those with whom we may have the most profound theological dispute with dignity, civility, kindness and brotherly/sisterly love.

  4. Aaron Blicblau says:

    SO we have
    Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Australia
    and the New Organisation of Rabbis of Australia.

    Are they not one and the same?
    Can we not have one united voice?

    • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

      I believe the former represents the Lay Leadership and the later the Rabbis.

  5. Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

    May NORA be blessed with success.

    • Naomi krinsky says:

      Reforming orthodox rabbis organisations.
      Oh does that mean only the orthodox rabbis organisations need reforming.! If I am orthodox but a business woman can I join?
      The city has fallen on its knees on all levels. Private school fees are unaffordable. Nursing homes are unaffordable and you don’t want to die to early cause that is also a fortune. So I do believe in all areas being accountable but with intention of sustainable. Somehow, I doubt this is possible. I invite any City Rabbi or lay leader to speak to me. Particularly those well meaning from other states which may simply be uninformed.

      • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

        by definition every person needs to progress, which by definition means change, similarly with organizations, both public and private, they also need to change to improve there outcomes.
        This is not a Jewish issue of any category, it is a human issue, common to all.

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