Reaction to Adass attack
Community reaction to this morning’s antisemitic arson attack on Adass Israel Synagogue in Ripponlea has been swift and strong.

The synagogue ablaze Pic: X
Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) CEO Naomi Levin said, “We were absolutely shocked, but not surprised, to hear that a synagogue here in Melbourne had been attacked overnight. We pray for a full recovery for those who have been injured and we hope that police find the culprits of this terrible attack. The Jewish community has been warning about an unacceptable rise in antisemitism for more than a year and we hoped it would never come to this, but our fears have been realised today.”
The JCCV statement responding to the attack, expressed “deep concern following the attack on a synagogue in Melbourne overnight. We stand in solidarity with the victims and their families during this distressing time, praying for their swift and full recovery. We also extend our support to the broader Jewish community as it begins the process of healing from this traumatic event.
“This attack is not just a crime against a place of worship, but an affront to the values of tolerance, respect, and safety that should define our society. The JCCV calls on Victoria Police to swiftly investigate this heinous act and bring the perpetrators to justice.
“The JCCV will continue to advocate strongly against antisemitism in all its forms and work with law enforcement, government, and community organisations to ensure the safety of Jewish Victorians. We remain committed to fostering understanding and resilience as we support our community in recovering from this distressing incident.”
Zeddy Lawrence, Executive Director of Zionism Victoria said, “Today, we woke in horror to the news that a synagogue in the heart of our community had been torched. Since October last year, we warned it was only a matter of time and that the platitudes uttered by our government were not enough to combat the escalating manifestations of antisemitism. Now we see where empty words and lack of action has led.”
Josh Burns MP, Federal Member for Macnamara said, “Adass is a proud and peaceful community. Built by Holocaust survivors who came to Australia looking for a peaceful home. The synagogue is the centre of Jewish life, of learning and spirituality.
“The attack on their synagogue overnight is a disgrace. It is antisemitism, it is racism, and it needs to stop.
“I have been briefed by the Federal and Victorian police, and they are asking anyone with information of the attack to last night to report to crime-stoppers. The perpetrators of this violence must face the full force of the law.
“Over the past few weeks we have seen protests outside places of worship, vandalism in the heart of Jewish communities, and now we have a unlawful and disgraceful attempt to burn down a synagogue. This has been escalating for over a year, and people on all sides of politics need to confront it together.
“The sight of a burnt synagogue and shattered windows is reminiscent of the worst time in Jewish collective memory.
Today I am standing in solidarity with my community. I hope those injured make a full recovery.”
“The Adass Israel Synagogue was built by Holocaust survivors. Like any place of worship in this state, it should be a refuge – a place of peace, prayer and safety. Every available resource will be deployed to find these criminals who tried to tear a community apart.” – Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan
Israel’s ambassador to Australia, Amir Maimon, posted on X: :Today, we commemorate William Cooper’s courageous protest against the vile atrocities of Kristallnacht. However, 86 years later, we are again witnessing the horrifying resurgence of the same hatred and violence that marked that dark chapter in history.
Jewish people around the world are under siege, enduring relentless acts of intimidation and violence. Australia is not immune to this vile pandemic of Jew-hatred. Jewish neighborhoods are being targeted with protests, and our places of worship are being burned. I unequivocally condemn the attack on the Adass Israel synagogue in Melbourne today, a heinous act that serves as a chilling reminder that antisemitism is not a relic of the past but a growing threat that demands immediate action, not empty words.
Progressive Judaism Victoria (PJV) implores our government to take strong action against perpetrators of violence and the destruction of social cohesion in our communities. Phyllis Dorey, Chair of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) representing 2 million people in over 50 countries, expressed her shock that such a violent and horrific attack could be perpetrated against such a sacred symbol of Judaism in her home city. “Sadly we have come to expect such antisemitic acts in Europe, but for it to be happening here and now in Australia, shakes us to our core. We call on the government and police to take seriously these physical threats against our communities and act to stop this for all our sakes.”
PJV together with WUPJ stand together in support of the Adass community. Maureen Barten President
Liberal State MP David Davis in whose electorate Adass Israel is situated, said: “All Victorians of goodwill will stand in support of the Adass Israel congregation and the broader Jewish community. I and the Liberal Party certainly stand strongly behind the Jewish community at this difficult time and support Victoria Police who must now urgently find those responsible and bring them to justice. This is a clear case of antisemitism that appears part of a very worrying trend since 7th October 2023.”
“We stand in solidarity with our Jewish friends both in Sydney and around the country. Just two weeks ago we had that disgusting night of vandalism in Woollahra. I have spoken to Jewish community leaders this morning and I know NSW Police have also been in contact.” – NSW Premier Chris Minns.
“Having covered attacks on synagogues during my time as a foreign correspondent, this kind of attack has been at the core of my concern about social cohesion over the last year.” – Zoe Daniel, independent federal MP for nearby seat of Goldstein.
“Amidst the worst levels of anti-Semitism in living memory, the community needs clear answers as soon as possible. Nothing justifies the destruction of a place of worship and those responsible should face the full force of the law.” – Victorian Opposition Leader John Pesutto and deputy opposition leader David Southwick.
“On this day 86 years ago, Yorta Yorta elder William Cooper led a march in Melbourne to protest Kristallnacht; the Night of Broken Glass. On this night of violence, synagogues and Jewish businesses were set alight by the Nazis and their collaborators. Cooper stood up 86 years ago and today we reiterate that violence, racism and hate in any form has no place in Australia.” – Melbourne Holocaust Museum co-presidents Suzanne Hampel and Michael Debinski.
The Rabbinical Association of Australasia is deeply appalled by the arson attack on the Adass Yisroel Synagogue in Melbourne, especially in light of events this week in Sydney where protestors forced a lockdown after a public meeting in a synagogue, and the firebombing of Jewish vehicles in Woollahra last week. While the full details are yet to emerge, this was clearly an anti-Semitic attack. Sadly, it is not unexpected, given the hostile environment that has been allowed to grow by weak responses by both state and federal governments. T
We call on the government not only to condemn this attack but also to take decisive action to combat antisemitism wherever it appears. – Rabbi Nochum Schapira Rabbinical Association of Australasia
“We need to see decisive action to punish the perpetrators of the crimes that we all know happened here this morning. Otherwise, I fear they’ll continue to be involved and this will get worse, and next time someone will get hurt.” – opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson.
In the last month we have seen a serious escalation of incidents that threaten the Jewish community.
Many of these incidents have targeted Jewish areas and Synagogues. This is unacceptable. We are seeing rhetoric turning to physical violence against our Jewish Community.
These hate crimes are as unacceptable as they are un-Australian.
We call on all levels of Government to act with strength and courage, to stamp out antisemitism, and protect our proud multicultural society from corroding further. Danny Hochberg, Larry Lockshin and others Union for Progressive Judaism.
“I condemn unequivocally the Melbourne synagogue attack. The targeting of a place of worship is an act of hate. Violence and anti-Semitism have no place in Australia.” – Foreign Minister Penny Wong.
A Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) spokesperson said, “Two people were evacuated by FRV firefighters and treated for minor injuries.”
FRV had responded at 4.18am, after callers to Triple Zero (000) reported a synagogue on fire. FRV said, “Firefighters arrived on scene to find the single storey, 30 x 20 metre building fully involved in fire.” FRV advises that the response was escalated to a third alarm with crews wearing breathing apparatus attacking the fire. “The incident was deemed Under Control at 4.56am.”
Victoria Police Arson Squad Inspector Chris Murray said that fire services had been called to the synagogue, and a “deliberately lit fire was detected. What we do know, a witness who was attending morning prayers has entered the synagogue, and upon entering has seen two individuals who wearing masks … and they appeared to be spreading an accelerant of some type inside the premises.”
“In my capacity as officer-in charge of the arson spaces squad, I’m here personally to provide some reassurance to the community. That way we are taking this absolutely seriously. I’ve spoken to local area commander. You know, our first and foremost priority is to identify those individuals that are responsible for this. We believe it was deliberate. We believe it has been targeted.
“What we don’t know is why, and we’ll get to the why. I’m here in the capacity as the officer in charge of the arson squad to reassurance to the community that we will do everything we can to bring these individuals before the courts and to let the community know that we’re going to do our best to make sure that they can return as they should to their local synagogues and do what is absolutely Australian, that is, to be able to worship without fear.
“We’re looking for vehicles. We’re looking for those two individuals. We want some starting points. We know from experience that these investigations get solved through CCTV. We need the community’s help.
“They’re certainly wearing some face covers, uh to that extent. uh you know, again, we hope some CCTV will provide us with some more there.”
“I’ve spoken to my counterpart in counterterrorism command, our security intelligence unit … Our security intelligence unit will be running parallel with us. I mean, we don’t know the motive yet. I’ve got to say, we don’t know well, we’ll keep an open mind, but we are throwing everything at this.”
“Patrols will be increased. I want the public to be reassured, that we do our utmost.”
The fate of the seven sefer torah in the synagogue are unknown, as it not yet safe to enter the premises to assess damage. But it is understood that many tefillin and religious books have been lost.
Victoria Police have asked that anyone who witnessed the attack, had dash cam/CCTV footage or information to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or to submit a confidential report online at