Rabbis discuss child protection
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) focussed on the area of Child Protection at its recent Biennial conference.
Dr Joe Tucci, CEO Australian Childhood Foundation addressed more than 40 members about the importance and practicalities involved with implementing child protection policies in shules and communal organisations.
RCV Executive Member with the portfolio of Child Protection, Rabbi Moshe Kahn, launched the RCV’s innovative Accredited Child Protection Policy (ACPC) project at the conference. The basis of this project is to work over the next two years to ensure that every member shule will work with the Australian Childhood Foundation to formulate a customised child protection policy and achieve accreditation. There was unanimous support for the project by all Rabbis attending the conference; in particular there was support from interstate rabbis to establish a national ACPC project.
RCV President, Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant said that he was encouraged and overjoyed by the unanimous support for the proposed project. “The RCV is grateful to the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship (OMAC) and to the office of the Minister of Multicultural Affairs whose generous support made the conference possible”.