PM on the settlements
Prime Minister Julia Gillard spoke to journalists about the emerging settlements crisis in Israel…
Speaking at Laverton in Melbourne this morning she answered one journalist’s question on the subject…
JOURNALIST: Do you have a comment on Israel’s plans for the new homes in East Jerusalem and its timing soon after the vote taken last week on the Palestine status?
PM: We have already indicated publicly that we’re very concerned about this development, very concerned that all sides should act with restraint and very concerned that everyone should find a way back to a path to peace.
Among the possibilities emerging from the current attitude of the Australian Government and its leader in particular I would venture the following:
– they/she are discretely (!!??) supporting the palestinian cause by simply alluding to equivalence between an openly aggressive and vicious anti Israel entity and Israel, the constant target of the said aggressiveness.
– that this Australian Gov./its leader simply do NOT UNDERSTAND the Middle Eastern complexities and take comfort in the “natural” prejudice Jews seem to encounter with most ambitious people, politicians at the forefront of the phenomenon. Yes, ambitious professionals and people belonging to a certain specific compettive undertakings regard Jews as an opposing entity, clicqy, inward looking, homogenous in competeing with other, outside, groups, usually seen more inclined to using devious tactics etc.
– political “savvy” in calculating the essential electoral rationals whereby the Jewish segment is but an insignificant percentage, loyal to the Coalition anyway, therefore most definitely not worth supporting.
etc. etc.
Well, the point is nobody out there really cares that the building is taking place on Israeli land (part of the 1.7% it has) in the West Bank. Mere mention of new building and ‘settlements’ brings out those whose only aim is to demonise Israel and they rant and rail and lecture without even thinking about it.
Received email ISrael building in East Jerusalem and Westbank. Please publish a currant map of Israel including a map of the old city of Jerusalem and Jewish areas.
Is the UN now saying Israel cant build on and in it’s own land’without the permission of the world??
How about publishing a map of where these “settlements” are in East Jerusalem. From what I understand they had already been given the ok to build these premises.
It is not the settlements that constitute the major barrier to peace but , as stated in its Charter, the Hamas declared aim to destroy Israel.
As Julie Bishop stated recently in Parliament ( J wire. Nov 30),
” The path to peace is for the Palestinian leadership to officially recognize Israel’s right to exist, return to the negotiating table and to renounce all forms of violence including missile, mortar and other attacks.”
What denomination do the 30 pieces of silver come in? Perhaps a handfull votes from these folks?:×349.jpg