Pesach greetings

April 16, 2019 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten sends his Pesach greeting.

Bill Shorten

It gives me great pleasure to send my best wishes to the Australian Jewish Community on the occasion of Passover.

Jewish families around the globe will gather together on the 15th day of the Nisan to reflect on the enduring values of the Hebrew faith: freedom, justice and redemption.

Passover commemorates the Jewish people’s liberation from slavery in Egypt and can be summarised by the adage, “for once we were slaves, now we are free.”

The story of Passover offers a timeless lesson for all of us to show humanity and offer our support to those fleeing tyranny, persecution and oppression.

It also reminds us of the need to be ever vigilant against ignorance, fear and racism, and to stand up for equality, harmony and respect for all people.

On behalf of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, I wish the Australian Jewish community a safe and joyous Passover.

Pesach Sameach.



One Response to “Pesach greetings”
  1. Eleonora Mostert says:

    Go back to the rock you slithered out from Bill Shorten

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