PA official daily lauds family who named son Eichmann ‘to anger Zionism’
The official Palestinian Authority daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida had warm words for a member of the Atwan family who chose to name his son Eichmann, after SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, one of the key Nazi major officials who propagated the Holocaust.

Eichmann on trial in Israel
The official PA daily earlier this month praised a “fighting family” for its “love of the struggle” against Israel through generations. Recounting the many ways different members of the Abu Atwan family have “struggled,” the paper highlighted the fact that one of the men named his son Eichmann.
“Out of his love for his homeland, he gave birth to a son and gave him the name Eichmann to anger Zionism. After the Mossad (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) executed Adolf Eichmann, [Al-Ghadanfar’s] grandfather said: ‘The one who burned the Jews out of hatred has passed on, and the Palestinian Eichmann has been born,” the paper reported.
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), which reported on this incident, has reported on other names given to Palestinian children that reflect the “Palestinian struggle” and “venerate terror and violence against Israelis.”
Just hours after terrorist murderer Muhannad Halabi stabbed two Israelis to death in the Old City of Jerusalem in October 2015 at the onset of the 2015-2016 terror wave, parents named their newborn son “Muhannad” after the murderer.
Also then, the official PA paper reported enthusiastically on the choice of name, saying that “Muhannad the newborn hugs Muhannad the Martyr, and the two of them unite the homeland.”
“While still in the hospital, the mother of the baby called the mother of Martyr Halabi… During the phone conversation, the two mothers cried from joy: The mother of the baby cried from joy at the birth of her baby, who eternalized the name of the hero among the heroes of our eternal people, and the second mother (i.e., of the terrorist) cried from joy at the birth of the baby that will eternalize the name of her son the Martyr,” Al-Hayat Al-Jadida reported.
Similarly, the parents of a boy born during the same terror wave chose to name their son “Knife of Jerusalem” after the prevalent stabbing attacks.
Editor’s note: The Mossad did not execute Eichmann. He was sentenced following a full hearing in an Israeli court.