On the other hand
It is not necessary to travel to Italy in order to sample world class pizzas.
The 50 Top Pizza list, considered an influential guide in the world of pizza, included two Israeli pizzerias in its ranking of the 50 best pizzerias in the Asia-Pacific region for 2025, awarded in Tokyo on Sunday.
Haifa’s NeoPolitan won 25th place and received the New Entry of the Year award, while La Piedra, located in Jerusalem, placed 37th, marking the third consecutive year that the kosher pizzeria made the list.
If comedy is more to your taste then Israelis can look forward to a welcome return of John Cleese who is scheduled to host three shows. At 85, Cleese is still in top form and no doubt will repeat asking “what have the Romans ever done for us?”
It is not just Israeli pizzas that achieve world ranking.
In a ranking of the best hospitals in the world, Sheba Hospital in Tel Aviv was ranked eighth best.

Slowly but surely, change is happening in the Charedi world.
Without fanfare and in the face of challenges many young men are now deciding that they must help defend their country.

The media and international community would have you believe that there is mass starvation in Gaza.
While this may be a convenient lie with which to blame Israel and is swallowed by the gullible masses this video exposes the reality.
Needless to say this will never be reported.

Often overlooked are the achievements of Jewish sportsmen and women.