On the other hand

May 26, 2024 by Michael Kuttner
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We have been invaded.

Every year at this time, the armies of invaders wake up from their winter hibernation and appear in increasing numbers. They infiltrate our homes and appear in the most unexpected places. As soon as you discover one, you can guarantee that hundreds and maybe thousands will follow like well-disciplined members of an invasive force.

These are the troops of ants large and small, which, like Hamas terrorists, pop up from tunnels and openings ready to ambush unsuspecting civilians.

The only way to prevent them from overrunning your home is to make sure that all places are well sealed and that once detected they are vigorously eliminated.



Unlike ants, bees are becoming an endangered species around the world.

They are a vital component of Israel’s agricultural industry. Without them, Israel could never be described as the Land of Milk and Honey.

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 This video should be sent to each and every Member of Parliament and political leader in your country. It should be compulsory viewing for every journalist in the media.

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History repeats itself in every generation.

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