Manny Waks’s alleged abuser to fight charges at trial

August 15, 2024 by AAP
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A man accused of molesting victim advocate Manny Waks more than three decades ago has been committed to stand trial on four child abuse offences.

Zev Serebryanski arrives at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court in Melbourne, Thursday, August 15, 2024.    Photo: Diego Fedele/AAP

Zev “Velvel” Serebryanski, 60, pleaded not guilty after Magistrate Stephen Ballek found there was sufficient evidence for the case to go to trial in the Victorian County Court.

Serebryanski is accused of sexually assaulting Mr Waks, 48, at the ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva Centre in Melbourne’s southeast between January 1987 and December 1988.

Manny Waks is an advocate for victims of child sexual abuse in Jewish communities. (Mal Fairclough/AAP PHOTOS)

Serebryanski was extradited from the United States in April 2023 to face three charges of indecent assault and one charge of sexual penetration of a child aged over 10 but under 16.

Mr Waks, an advocate for victims of child sexual abuse in Jewish communities, has given AAP permission to identify him as the alleged victim.

Six witnesses gave evidence during a two-day committal hearing in Melbourne Magistrates Court.

Mr Waks’ evidence was heard in a closed court on Wednesday.

On Thursday, Detective Senior Constable Michael Simonsen told the court he took a police statement from Mr Waks in February 2012 to clarify parts of the first statement he made to officers in September 1996.

Under questioning from Serebryanski’s barrister Ian Hill KC, the detective admitted he did not recall asking the identity of the person Mr Waks claimed was present during one of the alleged assaults.

He also conceded he never attended the Yeshiva Centre to take photographs or obtain a floor plan, nor did he identify and speak to people who attended the centre at the time of the alleged abuse.

“I failed to do that,” Sen Const Simonsen told the court.

The detective said the investigation was repeatedly opened and closed in the seven years he was the police informant as other witnesses came forward.

Bail was extended for Zev Serebryanski (left) after he was committed to stand trial. (Diego Fedele/AAP PHOTOS)

One of those witnesses was Yerachmiel Gorelik, who gave evidence via video link from the US on Thursday.

He told the court he was classmates at Yeshiva College with Mr Waks and aged about 11 or 12 when he was told about the alleged abuse.

Mr Gorelik could not be sure of the exact date of the conversation but he admitted telling other students the allegations.

The court was told Mr Gorelik emailed police in January 2012 to say he was reluctant to make a statement because there were gaps in his memory.

He ultimately made a sworn statement to officers in July 2013.

At the end of Thursday’s hearing, Serebryanski was committed to stand trial on the four child abuse charges after pleading not guilty.

His bail was extended on conditions including a $150,000 surety.

Serebryanski is due to face the County Court in September for a directions hearing.

Manny Waks stated: “I’m delighted with this outcome – we now get to go to trial, which is all I’ve ever really wanted in this case and what I travelled to Australia to achieve. May justice prevail!”

Story by Tara Cosoleto/AAP

1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

National Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service 1800 211 028

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