NSWJBD/Honest Reporting Israel Mission Day 5

November 27, 2013 by  
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The NSWJBD joint mission to Israel with Honest Reporting has a Canadian member. Alan Perlmutter from London, Canada files the report on Day 5…

I am Alan Perlmutter from London Canada, yes the other city at the fork of a Thames river.

Meeting the locals

Meeting the locals

I have always found Israel to reveal a surprise around every corner. This morning my wife Cathy and I went out for a walk and noticed several beautifully adorned men and women walking towards a spot in a public park. I struck up a conversation with one of the men and was quickly invited to an Eritrean wedding. This was a wonderful experience, typical of the rich diversity seen in every part of this country.

Later, we listened to three speakers explain politics from their (Arab) perspective. While these speakers all shared the view that Israeli democracy provided them with the opportunity to express their opinions which ranged from Israel being too accommodating to the Palestinians to needing to do much more in a deteriorating situation. I think the most interesting speaker was a Palestinian man who spent 10 years in prison for injuring 3 Israeli soldiers with a Molotov cocktail. He now fights for peacefully settling issues between the Palestinians and Israelis. He also made the interesting point that Israel should try and interact with the Palestinians to show them that Israelis are more reasonable than what they have been taught by their Palestinian schools and media.

Tomorrow we will visit the Golan.



3 Responses to “NSWJBD/Honest Reporting Israel Mission Day 5”
  1. Christopher says:

    Israelis must follow the Hebrew Bible and be a light to the world. You do have a diabolical enemy but love not hate is the remedy. As Zionist Winston Churchill remarked: “Jaw, jaw is better than war, war.” Do not succumb to hatred as many Palestinian Arabs have.

  2. Gil Solomon says:


    Yours is another typical report we have come to expect from the “mission”.

    You listen to 3 Arab speakers explain politics from their perspectives, one being someone who injured three Israeli soldiers with a molotov cocktail.

    Any other country would have incarcerated him for life for this act of terror, or possibly applied the death penalty if it were on the books. But no, not in Israel. He’s out lecturing you on what you regard as an “interesting point” that Israel should try to “interact” more with the Palestinians.

    Interact more with these people, give me a break.
    Did any of you bother or even think to remind him that released murderers receive a heroes welcome from the Palestinian population?
    Did any of you bother to ask when exactly do his brethren intend ceasing the indoctrination of Arab children in hate, such as that “Jews are the offspring of pigs and apes”?
    Did any of you question what is he doing in Israel?
    Has he been granted Israeli citizenship (G_d forbid)?

    Interact more!
    The “Palestinians” probably get down on their hands and knees each morning to thank Allah that their enemies are Jews who indulge their ludicrous and false claims. No one else would have given these people the time of day.

    You liberal lot seem to go out of your way to seek Palestinians, Bedouins or whoever in order to provide them with a media platform to air their views.
    In relation to the Bedouin issue in the Negev, you did not seek an interview with Ari Briggs of Regavim, the one person who could set you all straight on what exactly is going on there.

    Finally, as no one is prepared to say it, then I will.
    While Palestinian propaganda saturates the general media, most Jews I know are sick and tired of Arab perspectives being given media space by, of all people, simplistic do-gooder Jews on some mission of “honest reporting”.

  3. Paul Winter says:

    Are you for real Alan? Just exactly what interaction should Israelis undertake when they have to fear rock and Molotov cocktails on the roads, random murders by knives and guns at any time, rockets from Gaza, areas where Jews are prevented from going because of Arab violence, praise for killers by the PA and Hamas, and rioting on the Temple Mount which the Arabs say is solely a mohammedan site. And all this when they turn to the hated Jews for help, employment and freedom of travel.

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