NSW Labor to consider membership application from extremist

October 19, 2022 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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NSW Labor will reconsider an application for membership by former academic Jay Tharappel reported by The Australian as having worn clothing carrying slogans calling for “Death to Israel” and “Curse on the Jews”.

Jay Tharappel

ALP members and Jewish groups expressed their outrage.

NSW Labor leader Chris Minns issued a statement saying: “There is no place for anti-Semitism in NSW Labor. I’m deeply concerned at the reported remarks and I’ve asked party office to urgently review the application.

Mr Tharappel, an extreme-left outspoken supporter of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and Iran’s brutal religious regime, was previously a tutor in human rights at Sydney University. The 33-year-old is now an associate board member of the “Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies”, a network of pro-Assad and pro-Tehran academics, and a regular “political commentator” for Iranian state television.

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies President David Ossip and CEO Darren Bark said: “We are extremely concerned by Mr Tharappel’s appalling record of support for the world’s most repressive regimes and recognised terrorist organisations as well as his sympathy for invidious conspiracy theories.

In recent years, Mr Tharappel attacked local Jewish communal organisations for their calls to proscribe the entirety of Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and alleged that Israel has ‘spent the last decade aiding al-Qaeda & Islamic State’. He has also used social media to post other material offensive to the NSW Jewish community, including questioning the number of victims of the Holocaust.

Mr Tharappel’s views are repugnant, and divisive and have no place in our peaceful, multicultural society. Mr Tharappel does not deserve membership of the NSW Labor Party and we strongly urge that he be expelled as a matter of urgency.

We are pleased that a meeting has been called to review Mr Tharappel’s membership and are confident the NSW Labor Party will take appropriate action against him.”

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