Nov-13 11am Melbourne: A unique opportunity to learn about the Voice

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Next year, Australians will be asked to vote in a referendum that will ask whether Australia should enshrine an Indigenous Voice to Parliament within the Constitution.

The Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV), together with B’nai B’rith, the Ark Centre and Stand Up, have invited a First Nations leader to help educate the Victorian Jewish community ahead of this referendum.

Daniel Aghion, JCCV president, said: “JCCV affiliate organisations voted to accept the invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart to walk with First Nations people to create a better future.

In keeping with this commitment, we are pleased to welcome Dean Parkin, director of From the Heart, to educate us from a First Nations’ perspective on the upcoming Referendum to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in the Australian Constitution.”

Jack Aghion, Vice President of B’nai B’rith Victoria, said the sort of questions that will be addressed include, “What is meant by the Voice, how will that body be constituted, who and how will members be voted on, how will it work, what will be its range and influence.”

The Ark Centre’s Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann added: “This is such an important discussion and exciting opportunity to learn from First Nations people and what the Voice will mean to them. I encourage members of our community to join and fully participate in the upcoming historic referendum.”

Parkin is a signatory to the Uluru Statement and the Director of From the Heart. A Quandamooka man, he will be travelling from Brisbane to address this Jewish community Q&A session.

Parkin will be joined by Tahlia Bowen, First Nations Partnerships Coordinator from Stand Up, who will address the long-term support provided by the Jewish community to First Nations communities.

The Q&A will take place on Sunday, 13th November, at 11 am. Bookings essential on

The venue will be advised following a booking.

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