
Wellington lies at the southern tip of the North Island and is the second largest Jewish community in New Zealand.

There has been a small Jewish community in Wellington (New Zealand’s capital city) since the arrival of Europeans in 1840. The present community of about 1500 supports two synagogues (Orthodox and Progressive), a community centre which includes a Kosher Co-operative, kindergarten, day school up to age 13, and Holocaust Research and Education Centre. There are also two youth groups, and branches of B’nai B’rith and the NZ Council of Jewish Women, with the Wellington Regional Jewish Council as an umbrella organisation for all community groups.

Synagogues closest to the CBD are :

The Wellington Hebrew Congregation  [Orthodox]

80 Webb St

Tel: +64 4 384 5081

Temple Sinai [Wellington Progressive Congregation]

147 Ghuznee St

+64 4 385 0720

Hotels within walking distance to the synagogues



There are no Kosher restaurants in Wellington but Kosher food can be bought at the Wellington Jewish Community Centre at 80 Webb St

Visit the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand situated within the Wellington Jewish Community Centre.

The Centre is the home of the Council of Jewish Women, B’nai B’rith, JNF, Hadassah, Moriah Kindergarten and school and the Aged Society.
