New Zealand TV station slammed by the ADC
The ADC has denounced TVNZ for describing a former Nazi Waffen SS soldier as a “remarkable survivor” of WWII in a program titled “Father of the Mountain.”

Dvir Abramovich – ADC
A statement from the Anti-Defamation Commission says: “Willi Huber, who helped build the Mt Hutt Ski resort, said, ‘I give it to Hitler, he was very clever. He brought Austria out of the dump.’ Huber, who volunteered to be part of the SS unit, bragged that he was a “good shot” and described the death camps as “being wrong but that is about all… what could we do?.” The reporter did not ask Huber about his role in the genocidal actions of the Third Reich, the roundup up of Jews, the gas chambers, the mass executions, and the Nazis’ war crimes.”
Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC,said:“TVNZ and its reporter either do not understand the evil that the Waffen SS are responsible for, or wilfully chose to ignore history in favour of a good feel tale so as to attract ratings.
This man is not a hero, and there is no place for SS soldiers in the public square or on our screens. All responsible and good people should be on the side of the victims, not the perpetrators, by confronting fully this dark chapter and by educating present and future generations about the unprecedented crimes committed by the Third Reich.
It did TVNZ no credit to have this man featured, to gloss over the demonic deeds of the SS and the Nazis, to not question him about his involvement and culpability, and not asking him whether he regrets his past. In light of the tragic display of hatred and violence by neo-Nazis and white-supremacists in Charlottesville, and the surge in global antisemitism, this glorification of a Nazi soldier is disturbing.
This program was a slap in the face to the victims, the survivors and all those who sacrificed their lives to defeat Hitler’s regime. How can we teach young people about the Holocaust when you have television shows indulging and presenting in a positive light those involved in the extermination of six million Jews and millions of others. We call on the network to apologise for this shameful and grave lapse in judgement.”
I Googled Willi Huber and he is 94 and helped set up the Mt Hutt ski fields in NZ after WW2.
Another sources said he fought in France and Germany as well as the USSR in the great tank battle at Kursk and was awarded the Iron Cross First Class (similar to our VC).
Later after being wounded he was evacuated to an Army hospital but as it was near the wars end he discharged himself from the hospital and returned to Austria where he had been a mountain guide before the war.
Absolutely disgraceful
But then NZ has fallen from grace with its voting dilemma
And inexcusable judgement with respect to the
Jewish community and Israel !