New UIA group for Melbourne
YoungUIA and UIA Women’s Division are delighted to announce the launch of a new and exciting group – the YoungUIA Women’s Division – a group aimed at engaging and connecting Jewish female professionals, predominately in the 20-40 age bracket.
Co-chair of this new group Jenni Mandel said “there is a variety of networking groups aimed at Jewish professionals in the community, as well as female professional networking groups outside the community, but we observed that there is currently no group in Melbourne that is aimed at engaging and connecting Jewish female professionals in particular.” Given the often unique challenges faced by women in the workplace, Mandel and Co-chair Jess Cantori believe there is a high demand for a networking group such as this to support professional women in the community and assist them in developing strong professional networks and relationships. The acknowledgement of this gap area in the market led to the establishment of this new group under the auspices of the United Israel Appeal.
Cantori said, “women’s greatest asset in growing and developing as professionals or building a business is each other. We wanted to create a platform for young Jewish Women to be privy to successful women’s achievements, gain advice and network. It is the icing on the cake that we have been given the opportunity to do this as part of UIA and to raise money for Israel.”
With the launch event set for Thursday 20th August, YoungUIA Women’s Division will run networking events featuring diverse guest speakers from the business world to connect Jewish female professionals and engage in discussion about challenges in the workplace whilst inspiring them to achieve their goals. Through this, they hope to engage a younger generation of existing and potential UIA donors, foster mentorship, guidance and support whilst simultaneously raising money and awareness for Israel and the UIA mission.
The launch event, “Women in Business: The Rise of Female Entrepreneurs” will take place on Thursday 20th August at 7.30pm at Glass Merchants in Balaclava. The evening will feature two inspiring Australian female entrepreneurs Kate Weiss – founder and CEO of Table of Plenty and Telstra Business Women Winner, and Gen George – Founder of OneShift. The evening will be hosted by TV and Celebrity Presenter Candy Hertz.
YoungUIA Women’s Division would like to sincerely acknowledge the generosity of its Gold Event Sponsor – the Airlie Women’s Clinic as well as the Silver Event Sponsors Core Pilates and Maripossa.
For more information on this event and to book your tickets ($30pp), please visit or contact 9272 5533.\
Yair Miller, CEO of UIA NSW told J-Wire that Sydney had been operating a division of UIA named Tikvah for some time “aiming at the same demographic”.