New Rabbi for Adelaide
The Adelaide Hebrew Congregation will have a new rabbi next week.
Rabbi Netanel Friedler is on a three year contract and will also become spiritual head of the city’s Massada College, recently rescued from crippling financial difficulties by a $100,000 donation from Melbourne mining magnate Joseph Gutnick.
The 167-yr-old AHC has had no rabbi for six months but President Eric Edelman told J-Wire: “We have had the occasional visiting rabbi but we have coped well.”
The Shule was embroiled in litigation in 2007 over the termination of Rabbi Yosef Engel, who took the matter to the Supreme Court. Rabbi Engel lost the case and is currently facing charges of allegedly falsifying documents in order to obtain $50,000 in government grants for a school the prosecution says does not exist.
Rabbi Friedler and his wife have two children both of whom will attend Massada. The Friedler family comes from Israel.
The only article on this page makes an outdated comment about the charges made against Rabbi and Rebbetzin Engel. It is only fair to them and their continuing good name to indicate on this same page that the charges were eventually dropped. See the article referenced in the “Related Stories” list, “Charges against Adelaide Rabbi and Rebbetzin dropped,” at: