New on the Beat

December 17, 2010 by Henry Benjamin
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Simon Solomon graduated today as a new NSW policeman…and his beat will be in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs.

Simon Solomon with Rabbi Mendel Kastel

The 27-yr-old was accompanied at the ceremony at the NSW Police College in Goulburn by his mother and the NSW Police Chaplain, Rabbi Mendel Kastel.

Solomon, who lives in Bellevue Hill and went to Vaucluse School told J-Wire: “I have always wanted to be a policeman and am looking forward to my new job at Waverley Police Station.”

He joined the police training program in February following three years in the Israeli army.

J-Wire understands that Waverley Police now has two Jewish policemen on its staff.


2 Responses to “New on the Beat”
  1. dan guralnek says:

    Well done simon, I’m in awe. thats seriously excellent.

  2. rose rev says:

    dear simon
    congratulation on your achivement we are and everyone who knowsc you in syd
    such a great person you are may you be blessed till 120 with your dearest mother and sisters
    regads shabath shalom

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