Netanyahu Flies into Washington on a Wing and a Prayer

March 3, 2015 by David Singer
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to Washington this week is going ahead despite unsuccessful attempts from far and wide to shoot him down in flames before he was even airborne….writes David Singer.

President Obama’s unsuccessful attempt to stop Netanyahu’s visit by claiming breach of protocol – represents an ugly attempt to deny Netanyahu his right to freely address the Congress – the very nerve centre of the world’s leading democracy.

Netanyahu has not been deterred by many Democrats threatening to boycott his speech.

At least 30 House Democrats and 4 Democrat Senators will not be on hand to hear what Netanyahu has to say concerning the threat to world security and peace posed by Iran’s implacable march towards producing a nuclear bomb and its threat to use such a bomb to eradicate the State of Israel.

Netanyahu has ignored the entreaties of a panoply of American Jewish groups and Israel’s opposition parties pleading he cancel his visit:

“When there is something that is connected to our very existence, what do they expect the prime minister to do, bow his head and accept something that is dangerous in order to have good relations? I think the relations are strong enough to overcome the disagreements, and that Iran with an atomic bomb is much more dangerous than one disagreement or another [with the US].”

American-Israeli relations were irreversibly intertwined when the Congress – voting 407-9 – and the Senate – voting 95-3 – overwhelmingly endorsed the commitments made by President Bush in his letter to Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon dated 14 April 2004.

Among those commitments was an unequivocal declaration that:

“The United States is strongly committed to Israel’s security and well-being as a Jewish state.”

Netanyahu’s address will fortuitously take place on the eve of the Jewish Festival of Purim when Jews remember the foiled plot in Persia (now Iran) in the 4th century AD:

“to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.”

Netanyahu has observed:

“it is the same Persia with a regime that is waving the banner of destroying the state of the Jews. The means by which they intend on implementing this threat is with many atomic bombs.”

Netanyahu will be flying into Washington accompanied by Israel’s ambassador to the United States – Ron Dermer – and all Netanyahu’s top advisors.

They will – in the words of that famous World War II song – be:

Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer
Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer
With our full crew on board
And our trust in the Lord
We’re comin’ in on a wing and a prayer

As for trusting in the Lord – Obama and those churlish Senators and Congressmen who don’t have the decency to listen to what Netanyahu has to say – might well recall the following words from Psalm 83:

“O God, do not keep silence;
do not hold your peace or be still, O God!
For behold, your enemies make an uproar;
those who hate you have raised their heads.
They lay crafty plans against your people;
they consult together against your treasured ones.
They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation;
let the name of Israel be remembered no more!”
For they conspire with one accord;
against you they make a covenant

 The Jews have long memories of past attempts over many centuries to exterminate them – as

Jew-hatred once again spreads its evil roots around the globe.

The ancient Jewish Book – Ecclesiastes – proclaims

“there is no new thing under the sun.”

Pray President Obama heeds Netanyahu’s message.



9 Responses to “Netanyahu Flies into Washington on a Wing and a Prayer”
  1. Alan Baden says:

    Political theatre at its best. Do we seriously think Obama is not fully aware of the precise nature of the Iran threat, just like Israel is. What a hero Netanyahu is…. Bringing enlighment to the Americans…and in the face of such opposition… Full marks to Bibi’s marketing department.

    Obama will not openly support a strike on Iran, this is because he is a politician and has many lobby groups to please…yes he has no principles we know.

    Very considerate of Bibi to warn the US that Israel will act alone on Iran. Like Israel has done many times before. We can only hope the the US helps by continuing to weaken and destabalise Syria, via its covert support for the the free syrian army. Once the Syrian military threat is removed, Israel will have the confidence to remove the Iranian Nuke threat….and even the Saudi’s will help!

    • Gil Solomon says:


      You say: “Obama will not openly support a strike on Iran, this is because he is a politician and has many lobby groups to please.”

      I’ve got news for you.

      Obama has no lobby groups to please.
      He is a Muslim and supporter of radical Islam.
      He supports the Muslim Brotherhood and has over half a dozen of these people working for him inside the White House, appointed under Executive Privilege as so called “czars” to by-pass senate confirmation hearings as to their suitability.

      He did not lift a finger to help the Iranian people a few years back when they rose up to try to oppose their repressive rulers.

      He, along with Hillary Clinton watched in real time as the American ambassador and three of his staff were begging for help as a rampaging Islamic mob were besieging the Ambassador’s compound in Benghazi Libya. He watched as they were slaughtered when help by US special forces were standing by at a base in Italy waiting for a “GO” that never came to save the Americans’ lives. Then this same “President” had the audacity to blame the riot on an anti-Islamic video that was aired in the US three weeks prior to the attack, when even the Libyan officials, to their credit stated that the video had nothing to do with the riot which happened on the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the twin towers in New York some years back.

      Now there is an unconfirmed report that in 2014 when Netanyahu was planning military action against Iran to take out the reactors, Obama got wind of the planned strike through a leak in Netanyahu’s cabinet and he threatened that US planes would be ready to take down Israeli fighters if they crossed into Iraqi air space.

      Obama is a clear and present danger to Israel and I only wonder when and if the Jewish world and in particular Israel will wake up to this and cease giving him the benefit of the doubt.

      It seems that the vast majority of American Jews however will never wake up, as they still support this abomination they helped elect not once but twice. They are truly the morons of the diaspora.

  2. Liat Nagar says:

    It is uncanny, David, the connection you’ve alerted us to in regard to the Persia of long ago and its threat of extinction of the Jewish people, as we see in the Megillah relating the story of Esther, and the threat of modern day Iran which would seek to do the same. Most especially when we’re aware of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress being on the eve of Purim.

    Thank you for the words from Psalm 83, for, chilling as they are in their timeliness, they also create a sense of solidity, courage and recognition of the need for standing firm. I’m not a fan of Netanyahu, however I do believe he’s taking the opportunity to make this speech for the right reasons, rather than attempting to be in the limelight for election purposes. He has been consistent for a long time now in his serious and energetic efforts to get his message across regarding Iran as the major threat to Israel and the region. I also believe that all those who are worrying so much about upsetting the Americans and threatening the US/Israel relationship, are being very short-sighted. The Iran issue cannot be compromised in regard to it. We cannot afford to dance to the tune of an American President whose priorities are elsewhere.

    I’m afraid no amount of praying will shift Obama.

  3. harry rich says:

    Many of my friends and relatives in the United States hold steadfastly to the dictum by President Obama. I have sent them the rousing speeches by the ex mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani and senator Rubio urging the Congress to support president Netanyahu. I can virtually see them scratching their collective heads, because I have not received a single answer. Bibi goes to New York with my prayers for success. It may just wake all the doubters from their trance and produce a positive result not only for Israel but also for the Jews in the diaspora

  4. anne Bouie says:

    How would Israel react with the opposition party in their county invited President Obama without first informing the Prime Minister.What if the reverse in this situation were up and in play. How would Bibi react if his opposition party invited Obama or any country’s leader without consulting him???

    • Leon Poddebsky says:

      1. Obama WAS told by Speaker Boehner.
      2. Do you think that an unimpeded Iranian genocidal nuclearisation enterprise is less or more important than “protocol”, “hurt pride”, fabricated, hypocritical Obama outrage?
      3. Has Obama ever directly or indirectly through his underlings, ever been outrageously offensive, disrespectful, contemptuous of the elected PM of Israel?
      4. Does Obama have that “privilege” because he is head of the superpower or because of any other reason that you can think of?
      NB Why are you and your co-Obama-crowd so focussed on trivia when the fate of the civilised world is at stake?
      If you think that Iran’s ambitions stop at the Middle East, do some more research.

    • david singer says:


      What you are propounding is frivolous and irrelevant.

      It was not the “opposition party” that invited Netanyahu.

      It was the Speaker of the House – John Boehner – who invited Netanyahu.
      Boehner’s equivalent would be the current speaker – Yuli-Yoel Edelstein.

      A far greater slight to Israel was Obama’s refusal to address the Knesset in March 2013 when he visited Israel.

      As Reuven Rivlin (now President of Israel) stated at the time:
      “All world leaders who visited Israel, including US presidents that preceded [Obama] and [former] Egyptian president Anwar Sadat visited the Knesset, out of understanding that it is the House of Representatives of the nation of Israel and the source of the State of Israel’s power as a democratic country,”

  5. Leon Poddebsky says:

    A nuclearised Iran is a threat not only to Israel, but even to the USA and Europe.
    This is the only argument that will sway Americans and others.

    “The international community” does not care much about the fates of Christians in Muslim majority countries; it is not concerned about the fate of Tibetans, Northern Cypriots, Kurds, Berbers in North Africa, nor many other minorities suffering oppression and injustice.
    The only reason that “the international community” makes a fuss about ‘the poor Palestinians” is that their chosen enemy are Jews.

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