Nazi salute performed at Elwood Beach in Melbourne

January 18, 2023 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The president of The Jewish Community Council of Victoria Daniel Aghion and federal Labor MP Josh Burns have spoken out against a group of neo-Nazis performing a Nazi salute at  popular Elwood beach.

Josh Burns tweeted:

Daniel Aghion told J-Wire: “It is a sad reality that there seems to be a small group of Victorians who feel the need to use the summer holidays to scare or intimidate the Jewish community. The ideology that this pathetic group represents is one of bigotry and violence. The Victorian Jewish community will not be cowered by these public displays of hate. The JCCV urges anyone who witnesses hateful incidents like this to report them to the Victorian Community Security Group on 1300 000 274.”


2 Responses to “Nazi salute performed at Elwood Beach in Melbourne”
  1. Naomi Be says:

    Question: why are their faces blurred? These faces should be nice and clear for the whole world to see. Apparently they stand for their antisemitism and we should all know who they are!

  2. Adrian Jackson says:

    Why make their faces out of focus? These people look like men who spend half their lives in bodybuilding or boxing training venues making their muscles bigger. What a waste of time.

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