Nazi group’s poster declaring “Jewish Poison” defaces MP’s office

February 28, 2018 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The window of the Bega office of Federal Labor MP Mike Kelly has been the target of unknown people who are circulating poster printed by Nazi group Antipodean Resistance.

Window of Mike Kelly’s Bega office

Mike Kelly’s wife is Jewish.

The targeted office was in the NSW coastal town of Bega, one of two offices used by the member for Eden-Monaro.

In Parliament Mike Kelly said:  “I’d like to also point out that we have groups like Antipodean Resistance.

Just this very morning, a poster was placed upon my electorate office in Bega, a sophisticatedly produced poster by the fascist group Antipodean Resistance, with swastikas and caricature portraits of Jews, describing ‘Jewish poison’.

Part of their program is to pursue the legalisation of the killing of Jews. My wife is Jewish, of course, so that also added extra poignancy to it. This is happening in our country, as well as what we’ve seen manifesting overseas. We have to be very proactive and forceful on this, and I commend the member for highlighting that prosecutorial aspect of this crime.”

Fellow Labor MP Michael Danby added: “NSW police will hopefully have CCTV footage of this apparently campus based group of young Nazis.  They are lucky that none of the 80 or 90-year-old veterans of the Australian 6th, 7th and 9th divisions, or the 90-year-old members of Bomber Command weren’t there while they we daubing buildings in Sydney and Mr Kelly’s office in Bega.  These fringe dwellers are the other side of the coin of the Hezbollah/Daesh anti-Jewish.  Both are totally alien to the Australian tradition of the fair go.”

Mike Kelly told J-Wire: “We reported it to the Australian Federal Police and they are investigating. No further developments at the moment. We think it was a group driving down the coast from Sydney looking in particular at recruiting kids. The other poster put up in Bega was at the school.”

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