More security for religious locations

October 18, 2023 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The Australian Government is providing $50 million in 177 grants to keep Australians practising their religion safe across the country.

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus has announced that the $50 million Securing Faith‑Based Places program grants will improve security at religious schools and preschools, places of worship and faith-based community centres.

The $50 million includes the additional $10 million in funding announced by the Prime Minister on Monday.

Grants have been approved in every state and territory across different faith communities.

The Securing Faith-Based Places program helps protect Australians from crime and violence motivated by religious or racial intolerance by funding security guards and security infrastructure, including cameras, lights and fencing.

All grants have been awarded through an open, competitive and merit-based process.

Within the Jewish community, grants have been given to around 50 organisations.

We have chosen not to publish the list.



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