Moira hones actors’ skills

October 9, 2024 by  
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Sydney’s B’nai B’rith Players have fine-tuned their acting skills under the tutorage of well-respected producer/director Moira Blumenthal.

Val Davis, Madeline Rosen, Moira Blumenthal, Elise Hawthorn, Dianne Kuchar, Jacki Gluck, Denise Archie, Len Mahemoff

This group of performance devotees met at the B’nai B’rith Centre in Randwick every week to hone their chosen craft, the ancient art of acting.

The B’nai B’rith Players presented their one-act play readings and monologues to an enthusiastic crowd made up of community members, family and friends. Val Davis deftly presented her heartfelt and at times hilarious monologue, Friday Night and Denise Archie brought tears to eyes with her telling of In Contrast by Bara Swain. A rapt audience got to experience Len Mahemoff’s skilful rendition of The Search by the much-loved Jewish author Sholom Aleichem. Dianne Kuchar and Len Mahemoff gave their all in Hotel Lobbyist, with many in the audience identifying with the adult son and elderly mother dynamic. Cast members Jacki Gluck, Denise Archie, Len Mahemoff, Dianne Kuchar, and Val Davis kept everyone guessing with their rendition of The Team by Paul Clarke. Fittingly, the last reading of the evening was titled Outdoor Pleasures, a one-act play by Jean McConnell. Val Davis and Jacki Gluck gave the audience much to smile about when they inhabited the long-suffering Deirdre and her Aunt Tottie.

Production manager Madeline Rosen, sound and lighting extraordinaire Devan Bloch and newly minted dramaturg Elise Hawthorne were on hand to assist the performers and director. The B’nai B’rith Players were also grateful for the generous support of B’nai B’rith staffers Marina Kutalyova, Gordon Pavlovich and Vivienne Radomsky.

An earlier incarnation of the B’nai B’rith Players was established by Chris and James Hill together with Yvonne Perczuk. It ran successfully for over a decade, much to the delight of all involved and the audiences they entertained.

Founded in the United States in 1843, B’nai B’rith is the oldest and largest international Jewish community service organisation, uniting Jewish people of all levels of religious belief and practice who share in the aims of Tikkun Olam (making the world a better place). For more information visit:

Report by Elise Hawthorne


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