Mizrachi – all over for Miriam
Sydney’s Mizrachi Synagogue is without leadership.
Vice-president Miriam Rosenman has quit her position a few months following the resignation of former president Mark Schneider.
The synagogue, which had been embroiled in a long dispute with its former spiritual head, Rabbi Moshe Gutnick, is currently being run by the Board of Management with Ann Cohen appointed as the congregation’s spokesperson.
Mizrachi members are waiting for a promised February AGM to take place but Rosenman told J-Wire this had been delayed due to “sheer frustration” in the preparation of final figures.
Rosenman told J-Wire: “I resigned because I think it is time for younger people to get involved in running the shule. I will remain a member…at this stage.”
Anne Cohen said the Board was in capable hands and that there are “enough nominations for a full board”.
Despite the resignation of the President and Vice-President, Cohen told J-Wire: “There has been complete unity within the Board during the tough times Mizrachi has experienced. We hope to hold a full public meeting within a few weeks. Nothing will be hidden but we can say at this stage that our legal and halachic support teams have been very helpful and supportive.”
Mizrachi’s issues stemmed from a dispute over the termination of Rabbi Gutnick’s employment. The synagogue wanted to make him redundant. Following civil cases in Sydney the matter was settled by the London Beth Din who awarded Rabbi Gutnick an immediate payout of $200,000 with a balance of $600,000 to be paid over 15 years starting in 2012. If the synagogue is compelled to sell their assets, the rabbi will have first call on the money owing to him.
Things look like they are falling apart at Misery!
Mark….Miriam….who is next
Lessoned learnt yet…..I don’t think so I am sure there is more to come.
Anne sounds like Miriam did a couple of months ago. Fill a board? They can’t fill the shul!! Or even hold a Purim function. Everything has been hidden so far and we have been given only empty promises. We were promised an AGM as per the Constitution in November 2009. Board “unable” to hold one. Then promised an AGM in February. Oops, February has gone. Now it is March. Another empty promise from another member of the team that destroyed the shul. Meanwhile the board gets smaller as does the membership. Members did not even know that there was a halachic support team. Who are these wonderful people? Members have not been informed that Miriam has resigned, or why. What is this board scared of?