Mixed Mazeltov Message

November 28, 2011 by J-Wire Staff
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Dayenu, the Jewish Gay and Lesbian organisation, has wished Mazeltov to Dr Kerryn Phelps and Jackie Stricker, who were married recently in New York.

Jackie Stricker and Dr Kerryn Phelps - the day after their marriage

Although the women have an apostille from Holland and the marriage was legal in New York, it is not recognised under Australian law.

President of Dayenu and founder of J4ME (the Jewish Community supporting Marriage Equality) told J-Wire: “Dayenu (Sydney’s Jewish GLBTI Community) would like to wish Kerryn Phelps and Jackie Stricker-Phelps a huge Mazal Tov on their recent marriage in New York. It is wonderful to see them tying the knot and we wish them a long, happy and healthy life together.

It is with a touch of sadness, however, that we have to acknowledge that they were forced to travel overseas to marry and that their marriage will not be recognised under Australian law.  We call upon the Australian Federal Government to introduce full marriage equality so that same-sex couples can marry in Australia and receive the full recognition and legal status that their relationships deserve.”

Progressive Judaism has for a long time been very supportive of GLBTI rights and in June this year, the Rabbis of the Union of Progressive Judaism for Australia, New Zealand and Asia released a statement calling on the “Australian Government to enact speedily legislation granting full marriage equality.”

Freeman told J-Wire, “While a small minority of Orthodox Jews continue to use the Torah as the basis for justifying their homophobic rhetoric, the vast majority of the Jewish community supports equal marriage rights same-sex couples.”

Jackie Stricker told J-Wire:  We were married in a Civil Ceremony at City hall in New York in September, 13 years after the initial Jewish ceremony in New York. The same rabbi Ari Fridkis attended. The Chief City Clerk Michael McSweeney performed the ceremony

Our two daughters Jaime 30 and Gabrielle 12 plus our niece Cara who lives in New york attended.

We went to lunch at the Boat House in Central Park then  dinner at Grammecy Tavern.

We have an Apostille which all countries who are signatory to the Hague convention (except of some unknown reason, Australia) recognise.”


5 Responses to “Mixed Mazeltov Message”
  1. Otto Waldmann says:

    Yes ,it was a conversion, pure and simple. Hang on, simple most definitely…..

  2. Emes says:

    mazel tov! may they have much naches from the kinderlach and build a bayis neeman beyisroel.

  3. Rita says:

    Which one of these ladies is jewish?

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