Mental Health Literary Award

September 16, 2012 by J-Wire Staff
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Noted author and  Australian Financial Review  health columnist Jill Margo has won a National Mental Health Media Award for a series of articles investigating the mental health difficulties child abuse victims face later in adulthood.

Jill Margo

She received the top award for print media from the Mental Services Conference of Australia and New Zealand, which recognised accurate and sensitive media coverage of mental health issues, breaking down the stigma and educating the community about mental health issues.

Jill Margo has been the recipient of 20 national and international awards for journalism, including previously winning two Walkley Awards and will be taking up her Churchill Fellowship later this year to study new developments in prostate cancer treatment and rehabilitation in the United States and Israel.

She is the author of the best-selling biography of Frank Lowy, “Pushing the Limits”, and has published three other books including men’s health reference texts, “Man Maintenance” and “Man Maintenance 2″.

Jill Margo told J-Wire: ” Through a friend, Dr Cathy Kezelman, I learnt about a forgotten group of people in our society.

These are adults who were abused many years ago before there was a common language to describe their predicament.

Rather than receiving compassion and support, most of them struggled into adulthood unheard and unsupported.

Now, if they raise these issues, they are not uncommonly told to ‘ get over it already’.

Their experience has lost its currency, their trauma is historic and others don’t really want to hear about it.

It’s confronting, it’s complex and often can’t be confirmed. But of course, as we know from the Ballarat suicides,

people often can’t just ‘get over it.’

Once I grasped what Cathy was talking about – she is president of ASCA (Adult Survivors of Child Abuse) –  I decided to write about

It. Although it was unusual subject for The Australian Financial Review,  the paper published it anyway.

Cathy suggested the pieces be entered in these awards and when they won the print section, the $2000 prize money went to ASCA.”


2 Responses to “Mental Health Literary Award”
  1. Ella says:

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    Just a suggestion: It may be useful to elaborate on the type of the research used and the the theory’s practical applicability, for example, how certain popular diets affect the brain function and what are the outcomes…

    I am very interested to know more about it and also find out if i can help out with some research or some practical applications of your new theory. Also, is there any references as part of bibliography available to the readers to expand the knowledge in this theory?

    Really appreciate your answer,

  2. C. says:

    Mind & Body: A Mathematized Approach

    Dear Madam,

    Please, I am writing this message to you with the hope of taking a reading of a material which I have written, trying a unitary approach for a wide range of phenomenons, involving memory and nutrition. I am trying for a while to find a way to publish it, if not exactly in this form then in a more [*] form(where [*]: readable, popular, literary, documented, technical, column/series of coulmns, as book/brochure, diet, etc). As you work in health/nutrition/lifestyle field I was thinking it may be possible to have an important/precious hint from you on this material..a suggestion about a writable form for it. I have found your contact from my Google search, trying to find a way to publish my material, and humbly asking for a bit of your available time.

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    This material could be seen at: Boolean Approach for Info-Structures Sets.html

    or Google(“A Boolean Approach for Info-Structures Sets”)

    Your feedback is welcome, extremely appreciated. Any further details/explanations are kindly available, immediately at your request, depending of your feedback.

    Contact Info:
    E: [email protected]
    (or [email protected])
    T: 647-344-0510



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