Chabad Melbourne and The Shul

Since it’s establishment in 1998 by young Rabbi Chaim Dov Ber Herzog, Chabad of Melbourne CBD (Central Business District), one of the Mosdoz of the Rebbe has been going from strength to strength reaching out to Jewish business people and young professionals. “Down Under” Melbourne, a quiet city where the weather changes three times a day now hosts a fast growing Jewish Community. As you walk past the tall skyscrapers one along side the other, with the trees in between, that is where you will find Chabad of Melbourne CBD. Chabad’s home to downtown Melbourne, Australia.

Within the same organisation lies The Shul, situated at 1, Wilks St, North Caulfield.   Telephone Rabbi CHaim Herzog for more info on 9525 9929


Adam Schwab at Chabad of Melbourne CBD

June 24, 2015 by  

From mergers and acquisitions,  lawyer to managing director of one of the fastest growing companies on the BRW list in just over ten years, Mount Scopus College alumnus Adam Schwab has quite a story to share. [Read more]

Minding the media

August 27, 2014 by  

Arnold Roth’s daughter was killed in the suicide bombing attack on a Jerusalem restaurant in 2001. He has addressed a lunch in his native Melbourne. [Read more]

Wednesday, March 26, 2025