Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Victorian Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen & Women Inc
Caring for Jewish Military Personnel from Allied Forces & Their Families

On the 14th December 1924, Lt-Gen Sir John Monash unveiled the Memorial Obelisk at the Melbourne General Cemetery, Carlton. It was erected by the Chevra Kadisha to honour the (then) 61 Jewish fallen of World War I who came from Victoria or served in Victorian raised units.  With the passage of time and research, there are now 82 names. In 1947, a further 60 names were added around the four sides of the base to honour the fallen of World War II.

In 1929, a group of Jewish veterans of WWI formed The Jewish Returned Soldiers’ Circle (JRSC) with MAJ Isadore Isaacson VD, as its first President. They forged strong bonds with the veteran and general community by honouring and keeping the memories alive of those who fell in war.

In 1946, following the end of World War II, a group of Jewish men and women who didn’t serve overseas, formed the Victorian Jewish Ex-Service Association.  It was three years later that an amalgamation took place between them and the JRSC to be known as the Victorian Jewish Returned and Ex-Service Association. In 1956, the Victorian Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (VAJEX) became the new name. It also took in veterans who served in Allied Forces and Partisan formations in WWII. Later, membership was opened to ex-National Service and Citizen Military Force members.

In 2008, the membership voted unanimously to accept the New Rules, replacing the old Constitution, which now allows non-service relatives of people who served to become members. The Association has also become incorporated.  We are now reaching out to the large number of Jewish men and women currently serving in the Australian Defence Force.  One of the many aims of the Committee has been realised with the launching of our website which is attracting wide attention.

Our aim is to foster the bond between ex-servicemen and women, and to commemorate the fallen; we hold annual ANZAC Day Service, Remembrance Day Services and a Remembrance Day Luncheon, each with an invited speaker; an end of month social gathering with speaker and a BBQ in December.

The military ritual is recited at funerals at the family’s request.

It is important that the few hundred military personnel who are now serving in Australia’s Defence Force know about us and also know how to reach our Chaplain.

Victorian Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen & Women Inc
Caring for Jewish Military Personnel from Allied Forces & Their Families
President: Ben Hirsh Phone 0412 307 031 email
Secretary: Ian Mansfield email
Chaplain: CAPT Rabbi Dovid Gutnick
Welfare Officer: Eric Gordon:
Web Master: Judy Landau email


Changing the guard

March 19, 2013 by  

VAJEX Australia Incorporated recently held its Annual General Meeting  in the presence of patrons  patrons Patron in Chief, Major-General Jeffrey Rosenfeld and Patron Jack Smorgon.   [Read more]

VAJEX Remembrance Day Luncheon

November 27, 2011 by  

I arrived early for the VAJEX Australia Day Remembrance Luncheon and found the hall had been dressed and looking lonely in its emptiness. [Read more]