B’nai B’rith Victoria

B’nai B’rith is a Jewish Community Service Organisation whose aim is to unite all people of the Jewish faith and whose ideals are Brotherly and Sisterly Love and Harmony.
Included within these ideals is the promotion of racial and religious tolerance.

B’nai B’rith News

Courage to Care on the road

July 14, 2015 by  

Over the next two months, Melbourne’s  B’nai Brith’s Courage to Care will take its award-winning travelling Educational Program and Exhibition to both Portland and Cranbourne. [Read more]

B’nai B’rith Victoria turns seventy

June 16, 2015 by  

In a turbulent, ever-changing world, for an organisation to survive seventy years and still be strong and vibrant is an impressive achievement. [Read more]

70 years of B’nai B’rith

May 11, 2015 by  

Victoria’s B’nai B’rith will celebrate its 70th anniversary at the end of May.
[Read more]

B’nai B’rith on Mitzvah Day

November 29, 2013 by  

Beth Weizmann, the Lamm Library, the Zionist Council of Victoria and B’nai B’rith Victoria co-hosted a concert for senior citizens from Jewish Care produced by B’nai B’rith’s Esther Gross at Beth Weizmann on Mitzvah Day, Sunday 17 November 2013.

Music students from Sholem Aleichem College’s choir wowed the audience with songs from Broadway in Yiddish.  Young violinist brothers, Nathan and Max Needleman from Bialik College played Chopin and Brahms to an astonished audience.

Fifteen-year-old Noa Opat, representing the King David School, sang from musical comedy.

Eight students from Leibler Yavneh College with Director of Music, Jonathan Skovron on guitar, sang in Hebrew; their ‘Yerushalayim shel zahav’ brought the house down!

Afternoon tea was kindly donated by ‘Cakes of Art’, ‘Eshel’, ‘Goldies Biscuits’, ‘Kosher Classique’, ‘Menorah Catering’, ‘Naomi’s Kitchen’, ‘Peter Unger Catering’, ‘ To Catch a Thief’, and ‘The Shook’.

The Concert was part of 61 Mitzvah Day activities Australia-wide, organised by inspirational co-ordinator, Judy Feiglin.

Judy Feiglin

Judy Feiglin


Victorian teachers welcomed back

February 23, 2013 by  

Fourteen Victorian educators have been welcomed back from the 2012/13 Holocaust studies course at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.  [Read more]

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