Meeting and eating
The Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) and the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) have celebrated Harmony Day by co-hosting a Jewish – Muslim Friendship Dinner.
The event celebrated multiculturalism and social inclusion, fully supported by all sides of politics with speakers including Robin Scott, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Inga Peulich MP, Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Jennifer Huppert, President of the JCCV, Ghaith Krayem, President of the ICV, and Chin Tan, Chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC).
Over seventy Jewish and Muslim community leaders attended the event, including young leaders from ICV and the Australian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS), as well as a strong representation from members of parliament.
Jennifer Huppert, President of the JCCV welcomed the bipartisan support for multiculturalism, inclusiveness and respect in Victoria, and thanked the VMC and the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship for their support of the event. Ms Huppert highlighted that the event was part of a series of this was the start of a process of working together on concrete initiatives being undertaken by the JCCV and ICV, and emphasised how important it was to be able to for the two communities to maintain our their cultures while still being an integral part of the Australian community.
Ghaith Krayem, President of the ICV emphasised the importance of symbols and said that, “This event demonstrates commitment to common values and building bridges. We need to be the ones, as faith and community leaders, who make a very tangible difference between Victoria and elsewhere in terms of making multiculturalism work.”
Robin Scott said that multiculturalism was not just bipartisan, but completely non-partisan, noting that leadership in the area was coming not just from the political sphere in Victoria, but across the community from diverse areas, such as the AFL and Victoria Police. “This is a community where we see people’s fundamental humanity first.”
Inga Peulich MP noted that the conversations taking place over meals were an important opportunity to bond, build friendships and create connections to develop future opportunities to work together.
Chin Tan, Chairperson of the VMC made the closing remarks for the evening and said that the VMC was proud to support the event and thanked the JCCV and ICV for working together so proactively to foster community harmony. He said that the future success of multiculturalism was in the hands of the communities, working in partnership.
what a cute facade. Its not politically correct to make any statements challenging multiculturism despite its predictable failures. Lets just keep pretending we are all politically and philoposically aligned in some magical melting pot, its a lovely fairy tale.
Next time, can our Jewish interlocutors ask the Muslim community this straightforward question:
“Do you accept the right of Israel to exist as sovereign Jewish state in the Middle East? A simple yes or no will suffice.”
I think you will be hard-pressed to get a ‘yes’ answer.
I don’t see any sign of Hizb ut-Tahrir why weren’t they invited?
was it Kosher?.
Alan, Ben, Derusai, Debbie & Sneur…. here I was thinking that I was the only one with a warped sense of humor. aaahh haaa, you all took the words out of my obnoxious mouth.Here’s my Q. Are they doing anything about their Immams who are preaching death and destruction here in Australia, and why is it the Governments task to stop their kids from joining I.S?
We’ll have to wait till the next flare up in the Middle East involving Israel to see how effective or not is the ICV in controlling the vitriolic rhetoric that normally emanates from the Islamic community.
Then we’ll know the true benefits or otherwise of eating a falafel together will bring.