Meet one of Israel’s greatest heroes at UIA’s AGM and campaign launch events

October 3, 2023 by J-Wire News Service
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United Israel Appeal will host Major General (Res.) Doron Almog, Chairman of the Executive of The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) at its AGM and 2024 Campaign Launch events in Sydney and Melbourne in November.

Doron Almog

As a recipient of the 2016 Israel Prize, the country’s highest honour for lifetime achievement, Doron has a celebrated history as a leader in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) and social activist. Beginning with his military days, Doron shone in his service in the IDF’s most elite units, rising to become Commander of the IDF’s Southern Command. He also led an operational task force against the terrorists who murdered the Israeli Olympic team in 1973; commanded the first task force to land in the 1976 Entebbe rescue mission; commanded a number of clandestine missions to bring Jews from Ethiopia to Israel and led an elite paratroopers’ brigade during the first Lebanon War. Additionally, Doron led a company during the Yom Kippur War, during which his brother was tragically killed.

Doron went on to establish the ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran rehabilitation centre for people with severe disabilities, named after his son Eran z”l. The centre was the first of its kind in the Negev and is a pioneer in giving opportunities to youth with disabilities. Doron has also held roles on councils, committees and boards with a range of aims and serving diverse populations, including the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel and the economic development of the Bedouin community in the Negev.

Doron holds an MA in International Relations from Haifa University and an MBA from Tel Aviv University. He is a former Senior Research Fellow at Harvard and has published numerous books and studies in the areas of security and strategy.

Doron is also no stranger to the efforts of UIA, showing his support as a guest speaker at the 2016 UIA Campaign. UIA is, of course, intrinsically linked with JAFI, as with support from global Jewry and ‘Friends of Israel’, funds are raised for some of Israel’s most pressing challenges. In this way, both UIA and JAFI ensure that every Jewish person, no matter where they are in the world, feels an unbreakable bond to one another and to Israel and, whether through want or need, can come home.

These events also provide UIA with a unique opportunity to report back to the community on the year’s fundraising activities and showcase the impact on beneficiaries in Israel. Preliminary announcements will be made about the 2024 Campaign events.

UIA CEO Yair Miller said: “UIA Australia is proud of the amazing support of our community during this challenging year. Our donors have continued to ensure we can support the influx of tens of thousands of Olim to Israel, as well as supporting programs across the country to uplift some of Israel’s most vulnerable populations. It is fitting that our guest in November is one of Israel’s national heroes. Doron Almog is not only a man who has served in many of Israel’s most significant military battles but has also been a champion for social justice. As Chairman of the Executive of The Jewish Agency for Israel, our key strategic partner, Doron will be able to give us firsthand information about how Australian donors are making a significant impact on the ground in Israel every day.”

Almog will speak at UIA’s Campaign Launch and AGM Events in NSW on Monday 13 November and in Victoria on Tuesday 14 November. 

To register for these events and for more information, see



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