MDA tends to injured by Hezbollah rocket attack

August 21, 2024 by Pesach Benson
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Magen David Adom 101 emergency call centre in the Yarden region received reports of multiple rocket strikes targeting the Golan Heights.

Magen David Adom Intensive care ambulance attends

A Hezbollah rocket barrage on the Golan Heights injured an Israeli man and damaged several houses on Wednesday morning.

Sirens wailed in Katzrin, the Golan’s largest town, and Moshav Kidmat Tzvi as Hezbollah fired what the Israel Defense Forces said was a barrage of around 50 rockets.

Magen David Adom said its responders treated a 30-year-old man in Katzin with moderate shrapnel injuries before taking him to the Ziv Hospital in Safed.

“A 30-year-old man came out of the house fully conscious, he was walking while suffering from shrapnel wounds such as from glass and the impact of the page. We gave him medical treatment and evacuated him to the hospital. He said that he was alone at home and immediately after the impact he went outside,” said MDA Paramedic Muhammad Hosni.

Said MDA’s director of the Jordan region, Oren Avitan, “We did not find any more injured, we treated a number of anxiety victims on the spot. It is a great miracle that happened here with such damage that the event could have ended completely differently.’It is a great miracle that happened here with such damage that the event could have ended completely differently.”

Fire crews raced to put out fires sparked by the rockets.

Paramedic Muhammad Hosni added: “A man in his 30s came out of the house fully conscious, walking on his own, suffering from shrapnel injuries, presumably from glass and blast injuries. We provided him with medical treatment and evacuated him to the hospital. He said he was alone in the house and went outside immediately after the impact.”

Yarden Director Oren Avitan commented: “In the additional sites we scanned, we did not find any further casualties, but we treated several people for shock on-site. It is a great miracle that, given the damage caused by the event, it did not end differently.”

Overnight, Israeli jets struck several Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in the eastern Lebanon area of Beqaa. Secondary explosions were identified, indicating the presence of large amounts of weapons in the facilities. The Israel Defense Force said strikes also targeted a compound used by Hezbollah’s aerial defense system which posed a threat to Israeli aircraft.

“The Hezbollah terrorist organization operates from within civilian infrastructure, brutally exploiting the Lebanese civilian population. The IDF will continue to operate against terrorist organizations in defense of the State of Israel and its troops,” the IDF said.

On Tuesday morning, Hezbollah fired 55 rockets at northern Israel and another 20 later in the day. Israel responded with airstrikes around southern Lebanon that killed Hezbollah terrorists in the areas of Wadi Hamoul and Beit Lif, a rocket launcher in the area of Ya’ara, and other Hezbollah facilities in the areas of Ayta ash Shab, Ramia and Tallouseh.

Nearly 80,000 Israelis were forced to evacuate their homes near the Lebanon border when Hezbollah began launching rockets and drones in October. Hezbollah leaders have said they will continue the attacks to prevent Israelis from returning to their homes. The attacks have killed 26 civilians and 19 soldiers on the Israeli side.

Israeli officials have been calling for Hezbollah to be disarmed and removed from southern Lebanon in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 1701, which ended the 2006 Second Lebanon War.

MDA’s Zaki Heller contributed to this article


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