Mar-29 11am Sydney: AFHU Honours Club

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The Australian Friends of the Hebrew University Honours Club presents guest speaker Professor Peter Gonski.

Professor Peter Gonski Senior staff specialist geriatrician and Director of Aged care at Sutherland hospital and community, Sydney. Director of Aged care and Rehab across South Eastern Sydney Local Health District

Professor Gonski is a joint Professor at UNSW and head of the Sutherland teaching unit. He is also a Board Member of Montefiore Aged care.

He will be speaking on “Your Medications: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”  about how essential it is to take medications the way they are prescribed and also that medications be reviewed regularly for benefits, effects, and side effects. 11.00 am at Jewish Care, 3 Saber Street, Woollahra. Cost $10 includes morning tea. Please RSVP : (02) 9389 2825 or [email protected]


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