Malka Leifer a flight risk

March 19, 2018 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Malka Leifer want in Victoria to face 74 charges of chid sexual abuse will remain in prison in Israel where the authorities are pleading for her extradition to Australia.

Malka Leifer released from handcuffs
Photo: AAP

Leifer fled Melbourne in 2008 before charges could be laid and has continually escaped extradition hearing on claims the she is not psychiatrically fit to attend court.

Dassi Erlich is a survivor of the alleged abuses and has fought tooth and nail to get the former principal of the Adass Yisroel school returned to Australia to face justice.

She posted on her Facebook today: “The Supreme Court’s ruling to keep Malka Leifer detained until the conclusion of extradition, is a positive step forward. It addresses the concern of many that she is a flight risk and a possible danger to others. This ruling will also hopefully limit the stalling tactics of the defense because their client is now sitting in prison awaiting a decision for extradition. We feel strengthened and encouraged by this successful appeal and await the next step in this lengthy road towards justice.”

Child sexual abuse advocate Manny Waks added: “It seems that justice has prevailed and sanity has been restored to both Malka Leifer and the Israeli judicial system. Now that she is incarcerated, hopefully the extradition process will be swift, and we can finally see Leifer face justice in Australia.

Today is a great day for many people, not least Leifer’s courageous alleged victims.”

In a lengthy decision by the Supreme Court in Israel, Leifer was considered a flight risk.

Leifer will face court next week.



3 Responses to “Malka Leifer a flight risk”
  1. Adrian Jackson says:

    Its good to see she is now in gaol however I assume her Israel gaol time will not count when she gets to Australia to face trial and likely do our gaol time here. The school she was once headmistress of is only a few kms from were I live too.

  2. Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

    Let us pray that this decision by the court will swiftly be followed by another court decision to have Leifer extradiated to Victoria to face her accusers in courts.

    • Erica edelman says:

      Totally agree Rabbi
      She is clearly guilty of her crimes and it
      Must be agonizing for her victims to have to
      Sit back and watch while she evades Justice
      And seemingly goes unpunished for her undeniably
      Vile behaviors
      I’m so sorry for the perpetrated – they don’t deserve
      A cowardly, cruel outcome like this
      Let’s hope she feels the full brunt of The law
      And is forced to feel discomfort on her plane journey
      Back to an Australian prison

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