L’Chaim to Life

September 19, 2024 by Features Desk
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Maurice Klein speaks with Trevor Asserson, who put together a large team of lawyers and data experts to investigate the BBC bias reporting of the Israel-Hamas conflict post October 7.

Using AI to analyse some nine million words of coverage across several languages and BBC platforms (including the BBC Arabic service) the comprehensive report of 199 pages, covering the period from October 7, 2023 to February 7, 2024 reveals a consistent pattern of anti-Israel bias exposing the BBC breaching its own editorial guidelines of impartiality, accuracy, editorial values and public interest over 1500 times, against its own standards of accuracy and balance.

The report claims that the BBC downplayed Hamas terrorism; conversely Israel was presented as a militaristic and aggressive nation. According to the report, the BBC suggested that Israel faced “no substantial threat” effectively delegitimizing Israel’s right to defend itself. By contrast the coverage of Hamas military strength and conduct as a terrorist Palestinian government of Gaza receiving far less attention.   The need for impartial and trusted news has never been greater. Source: BBC Annual Report 2023/24. Watch out ABC you could be next.

Trevor Asserson



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