Sydney Labor councillor calls for BDS

July 22, 2024 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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A  Labor Councillor will move a motion at tomorrow’s Canterbury-Bankstown Council meeting calling a review of links to any company “complicit human rights violations on the Palestinian people”.

Councillor Chris Cahill

Councillor Chris Cahill has moved the following motion:

“That the CEO undertakes a review of Council’s investments and links to companies, if any, that are complicit in human rights violations on the Palestinian people, including the illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian
Territories and the supply of weapons.

This review should include both suppliers used by Council and the City’s investment and contractual obligations.”

Australian Jewish Association CEO Robert Gregory said: “Boycotts against the Jewish State are just the latest manifestation of anti-Jewish boycotts which have a long and ugly history.

Local councils should take care of collecting the rubbish and providing services to residents, not involve themselves in conflicts on the other side of the world.

Even if this motion is lawful, it will likely cost ratepayers millions of dollars and could result in legal action. There is a Jewish or Israeli connection in many products and services and the cost to remove that will be enormous. I find it hard to believe that the hard-working people of Canterbury-Bankstown want their money to be wasted so frivolously.

I have been contacted by Jewish and non-Jewish residents of Canterbury-Bankstown who are shocked that such a discriminatory Motion would even be considered. Social cohesion is under threat in Australia and motions like this serve to inflame tensions between communities.

I urge Labor Councilor Chris Cahill to withdraw this discriminatory motion.”

AJA President Dr David Adler added: “Discrimination and racism are un-Australian. When people come to Australia, they should leave their prejudices at home. Australians don’t want to see international conflicts play out on our streets. It is not the role of local government or councillors to indulge in foreign policy.

The Prime Minister and NSW Premier have both spoken out forcefully against BDS. It is time for them to speak out against this discriminatory Motion which has been put forward by a Labor Councilor. I call on the NSW Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig to urgently intervene. “

Canterbury-Bankstown is within the Sydney conurbation area.


One Response to “Sydney Labor councillor calls for BDS”
  1. Liat Kirby says:

    Ridiculous. Really, I can only see this man Chris Cahill as a prize fool. He knows nothing. What on earth is his beef? Where is his idea of identification coming from, from where the ideological stance? Go visit the area Mr Cahill and read up on history past and present. Get some experience and knowledge under your belt and until then stick to local council matters.

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