Knoll on the CRC
The NSW Government has announced the name of the Chair of the Community Relations Commission.
Former Chairman of Cricket NSW, Dr Hari Harinath, has today been named the new Chair of the Community Relations Commission’s (CRC) Advisory Board.
Former president of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies David Knoll has been appointed an Advisory Board member.
Minister for Citizenship and Communities Victor Dominello announced Dr Harinath’s appointment along with seven part-time Advisory Board Members.
“The make-up of the new Advisory Board truly reflects the changing face of multicultural NSW and for the first time includes representatives from across Aboriginal, Anglo-Celtic, Indian, Korean, Chinese, Jewish and Egyptian backgrounds, among others.
“The newly appointed board members are Devpaal Singh, Steven Widders, Ken Hong, Cathy Guo, David Knoll AO, Margaret Piper AM and Dr Eman Sharobeem.
“They have been recruited through a skills-based assessment process and will be led by Dr Harinath, a distinguished individual who has been a leader within the Indian Australian community for many decades.
“Dr Harinath has been a medical practitioner in Sydney for nearly 40 years and has served as a senior cricket administrator for 30 years.
“He is a current CRC Advisory Board Member as well as Chairman of Parramasala and a NSW Centenary of Anzac Ambassador. He will make an outstanding Chair.
“I am confident the new team will bring the experience and passion needed to be effective advocates for our state’s cultural diversity communities.”
Mr Dominello said the appointment of a new Chair came at a pivotal moment, with the CRC soon to become Multicultural NSW under a new three-year strategic plan, Harmony in Action launched last month.
“Legislative changes will see the organisation placing a stronger emphasis on the beliefs and values which unite all Australians – including our volunteering ethos, our Aboriginal heritage and our commitment to commemorating those who have served in defending our freedoms.”
CRC Chief Executive Officer Hakan Harman said today: “I welcome the appointment of Dr Harinath and I am also delighted to offer my congratulations to the seven new part-time members of the Advisory Board who will join the five continuing members.”
In describing David Knoll, Minister for Citizenship and Communities Victor Dominello said: “. He has been recognised for his work in promoting interfaith understanding through the establishment of the JBD’s Respect, Understanding and Acceptance schools program.