Rabbi Kluwgant retains RCV presidency
Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant has been re-elected to head The Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) in 2014.

RCV 2014 Committee members Rabbis Greenbaum, Glasman, Kluwgant, Genende, Garfunkel and Kahn (Rabin absent)
After his success in establishing a sustainable structure for the organisation and initiating a strategic review and a five year plan for the organisation, the members unanimously called on Rabbi Kluwgant to remain at the helm, whilst focussing on grooming a new generation of leadership.
Rabbi Kluwgant discussed the many projects that had taken place throughout the year, including professional development in grief and bereavement and a reinvigoration of the rebbetzin’s network; including a dedicated Rebbetzin training session at Monash University on ‘Leadership Transition’. “Such projects are only possible thanks to our partnership with OMAC, Monash University and our generous supporters.”
There are many exciting initiatives that the RCV is planning for the coming year including the establishment of the Beth Din for Civil and Commercial Disputes and an annual Community Yom Limmud. Themes will include contemporary issues such as organ donation, same sex marriage, sexual abuse and kashrut.
The Executive Committee for 2014 is Rabbi Ralph Genende, Vice President; Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum, Secretary; Rabbi Yirmi Garfunkel, Treasurer and Rabbi Moshe Kahn and Rabbi Daniel Rabin committee officers.
The meeting saw a resolution to update the RCV’s rules to ensure compliance with the Victorian Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.
The Key Note speaker at the AGM was Mr Andrew Holden, Chief Editor of the Age. Mr Holden addressed the members on ‘religion in the media’ and discussed a wide range of topics including Israel, media bias, sexual abuse, and the questionable need for a religious editor. There were a significant number of questions posed from the floor.
Rabbi Kluwgant thanked Mr Holden for his address and encouraged him to ensure that when presenting on controversial issues, fair and equal opportunity be given to both sides to present their case.
The annual general meeting was held at Jewish Care’s Active Living Centre following the Jewish Care Leadership lunch at which Rabbi Kluwgant was presented with an engraved clock in appreciation of his continued and dedicated leadership of the RCV and for his commitment to ensuring that rabbinic leadership is at the forefront of community issues and direction.