Kashrut Commission




The NSW Kashrut Commission of Inquiry is conducting a review of Kashrut in New South Wales. The Commission is now seeking submissions from all interested parties.

The Terms of Reference are set out below to assist in the preparation of submissions:

• The current structure of Kashrut provision in New South Wales.

• The appropriate model for the delivery of kosher services in New South Wales.

• Governance requirements including constitutional set-up, accountability, transparency, corporate and halachic governance and lay involvement.

• Pricing policies including fees, charges, the need for Shechita in New South Wales, and the current wholesale meat and poultry policies, having regard to the economic and logistical landscape, law and halacha.

• The manner in which the community may bring the most affordable supply of kosher products to as many people as possible without adversely affecting the best interests of kosher consumers and the Jewish community generally in New South Wales.

All Submissions will be kept strictly confidential and must be submitted electronically to [email protected] by 31 March 2014.

email submissions to [email protected]