JNF Office Opens in New Zealand
KKL-JNF New Zealand President Rachel Korpus and office manager, Idit Forester said: “we are very excited about educating the young generations of Kiwis, Jews and non-Jews alike, about the amazing work done by KKL-JNF”.
Serving on the Executive Committee are Neil Rothbart, Matthew Abel, and Jack Wiltonof Auckland, and Liz Gianoutsos of Wellington.
This new leadership and the Jewish community of New Zealand are very excited about educating the young generations of Kiwis, Jews and non-Jews alike, about the amazing work done by KKL-JNF both nationally and internationally.
A plan to encourage planting a tree in Israel and launch a Blue Box campaign is already underway, with the help of our greater online presence and use of social media.
From the way this has been written a reader would think this is the first time New Zealand has ever had JNF in New Zealand. It has been there before and it was a huge organisation… Gradually as the community dwindled so JNF closed down. Therefore your article should read JNF re-opens in New Zealand…