JewishCare given Citizenship Award

July 6, 2015 by Roz Tarszisz
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At a ceremony for Australia’s newest citizens, Sydney’s JewishCare was itself presented with an award.

Malcolm Turnbull, Eva Fischl and Gabrielle Upton

Malcolm Turnbull, Eva Fischl and Gabrielle Upton             Photo: Ben Apfelbaum/J-Wire

Malcolm Turnbull, Federal Member for Wentworth, presented a plaque to Eva Fischl, Patron of JewishCare in recognition of its role in hosting citizenship ceremonies.

As individuals and families accepted their citizenship certificates , they posed for photographs with Malcolm  Turnbull, Gabrielle Upton, State Member for Vaucluse, Eva Fischl and Richard Spencer, CEO of JewishCare.

Gabrielle Upton, Eva Fischl, the Cohen.Pickering family with their citizenship certificates and Malcolm Turnbull

Gabrielle Upton, Eva Fischl, the Cohen/Picker family with their citizenship certificates and Malcolm Turnbull   Photo:  Ben Apfelbaum

In his address, the Federal Minister said that Australia was a successful multicultural society with a high percentage of its population being immigrants from a diverse range of countries and backgrounds.

He would like us all to focus on having “mutual respect” for those with a different history, culture and religion and to give them the same respect that we ourselves would like to be shown.

“Then your diversity becomes your greatest friend.  Australia’s diversity is our best asset, an asset that is on top of the ground, not beneath it.

Taking the oath

Taking the oath     Photo: Ben Apfelbaum

“That respect is the glue that keeps it all together” he said.

He describes Australians as generally being a “culturally curious” multicultural society and willing to learn about the customs of others.

Turnbull said that by choosing to become Australians, the latest citizens have “honoured us” and thanked them for making this choice.

Lois Cohen, her husband Colin Picker and two of their three children  (the eldest is in Israel this year) were among those who took the plunge.

Cohen told J-Wire “We have been here for five years. Colin and I grew up in Glasgow and have lived in America and Israel. We hope this will be our last stop”.




One Response to “JewishCare given Citizenship Award”
  1. Linda Baggio says:

    Thank you for the work you do in helping those of the Jewish community with intellectual disabilities and mental health issues feel valued citizens of the community.
    A long and productive service to you.

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