Jewish Board of Deputies president visits Bankstown Hospital
The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies president, David Ossip, has visited Sydney’s Bankstown Hospital, from which two nurses participated in a social media video threatening an Israeli.

David Ossip speaks with Ryan Park
He was accompanied by NSW Health Minister Ryan Park and Secretary of the Health Department Susan Pearce.
David Ossip said: “The Jewish community cannot accept a health system that makes anyone in our community feel unsafe or concerned about the quality of care they will receive.
We welcome the commitment from the Government and the Health Department to review the treatment provided to Jewish and Israeli patients at Bankstown Hospital in recent times and to prevent the two nurses in question from ever working in the NSW health system again.
We have also discussed measures with the Government to make sure that all hospitals and other health facilities in NSW are physically and culturally safe places for Jewish staff and patients and to ensure that no other employee of NSW Health who harbours antisemitic views is able to harm Jewish or Israeli patients.
The video which emerged yesterday should serve as a call to action and we will work closely with the Government and the Health Department to ensure that no Jewish person is ever afraid to disclose that they are Jewish when they go to hospital.”
It should apply to all religions and races not just Jewish. Purely a vote grab with the election coming up and given the flavor of the year is Israel/Palenstine conflict. 2023 was Ukraine/Russia. 2022 was BLM.