JCA honours volunteers

August 11, 2010 by Lauren Finn
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More than 250 volunteers have been honoured at the 2010 Jewish Communal Appeal Gala Event held at Sydney’s Hordern Pavilion this week.

Supported by the leadership of their organisations as well as 1100 fellow community members at the event, their dedication and support for the community has been recognised.

Opening the event, Peter Philippsohn, Appeal Chairman of the JCA spoke on the definition of a community highlighting the key factor as being those taking common ownership of the people around them, this being the foundation of our Jewish community and of our JCA.

David Balkin Photo: Giselle Haber

David Balkin, JCA President talked about the challenges ahead in the next few years being dayschool affordability, building yiddishkeit into our homes, combating antisemitism and engaging the next generation of donors and leaders.  He said, “These are major challenges and they are coming at us with speed. We must address them, but we must also attend to the ‘here and now’ needs of our community’s least fortunate. How we do this is a measure of our community’s compassion and cohesiveness which are pre-conditions for the kind of Jewish continuity we all want. That is why we should all be proud of the outstanding care that the Montefiore Home, Wolper Hospital, JewishCare, and COA provide to our most vulnerable. But more generally, the extraordinary work of all of our members and their volunteers, enabled with your money, allow us to sleep well at night knowing how well our community looks after its own.”

Ronni Kahn and Peter Phillipson Photo: Giselle Huber

In the formal recognition process, 22 organisations (including the JCA) gathered on the stage with their designated leadership and representative volunteers.  Guest speaker Ronni Kahn (2010 Australia Local Hero) spoke of her inspiring journey, setting up food rescue organisation OzHarvest.  Expanding the organisation, which now delivers over 185 000 meals to those in need each month, Kahn suggested people “listen to that little voice inside you” that encourages us all to try and make a difference.

Philippsohn closed the event saying that,”the heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.

Slideshow below – images: Giselle Haber

J-Wire publishes a full list of the organisations and their volunteers:

Academy BJE – NSW Board of Jewish Education

Marian Appel

Darren Blumberg

Rita Borman

Ilana Cohen

Ray Goldin

Myra Kaplan

Charlie Marshall

Florrie Marshall

Eve Peskin

ACT Jewish Community

Miriam Gellibrand

Veronica Leydman

Avi Solomon

Australian Jewish Historical Society

Stella Marshall

Jeanette Tsoulos

B’nai B’rith

Gerda Buckwalter

Anna Marks

Kathy Valer Gordon

COA Sydney

Hetty Angel

Anne Brandon

Eric Chodos

Monty Fivelman

Lala Gershonowitz

George Glasel

Eva Glaser

Ellen Glass

Sara Gresham

Alan Joffe

Molly Joffe

Adam Lubowski

Frances Melkman

Herman Melkman

Hannah Meyer

Lita Nadel

Wolf Pollak

Linda Skorupa

Rona Stander

Melanie Wolf

Communal Security

Darren Krug

Emanuel School

Melanie America

Saul Brandt

Anna Buch

Cheryl Feigen

Nettie Grant

Rose Grunstein

Ralph Hirst

Avril Janks

Jeremy Kahn

Deborah Klein

Robert Klein

Robert Kummerfeld

Linda Morton

Michael Morton

Mike Schapiro

Tracey Waxman

Jewish Communal Appeal

Jonathan Caplan

Harry Cromer

Ruth Cromer

Thomas Cromer

Jeremy Dunkel

Gary Eckstein

Susie Gold

Hester Greenfield

Ashne Grill

Steven Gross

Ruth Guth

Paul Kaplan

Susie Klein

Karen Kosmin

Aubrey Krawitz

Dorit Krawitz

Shula Krimhand

Nadine Levin

Harold Milner

Sheila Philippsohn

Evelyn Platus

Rita Prager

Helene Rome

Julie Rosenberg

John Roth

Richard Scheinberg

Roma Shell

Judy Simons

Carole Singer

Samuel Steif

Jack Stern

John Temple

Rose Temple

Peter Wise

John Wittenberg

Jewish Folk Centre

Sam Goodrich

Aviva Kogus

Shula Pilosof

Alan Rubel


Mina Alesinski

Shirley Baram

Cara Been

Lilian Bendelstein

Heinz Bohm

Dorothy Clarke

Sharon Cowen

Maya Dinaburg

Judy Doobov

Natalia Golub

Aileen Hurwitz

Seth Itzkowitz

Lola Janks

Miriam Kluger

Barbara Lazarus

Esther Reich

Linda Reitzin

Edith Ryba

Albert Salinas

Eve Salinas

Lilly Skurnik

Esther Solomon

Efim Solovei

Fanya Tesler

Paul Winter

Maccabi NSW

Shmuel Abrahams

Scott Altman

James Beecher

Gaby Berger

David Davis

Estelle Davis

Michael Evans

Anthony Faust

Peter Foltyn

Bernie Garden

John Gering

Danny Glattstein

Sidney Glick

Steven Goldberg

Peter Goldman

Karen Goodman

Anthony Goodridge

Peter Grunfeld

Jeff Houseman

Phil Jaffe

Martin Knespal

Malcolm Kofsky

Robert Kohn

Julius Lambert

Daniel Lemish

Anthony Milner

Jonathan Milner

Ruth Nissim

Martin Passman

Evelyn Rose

John Rosen

Sharron Rosenberg

Ian Sandler

Suzanne Small

Harry Stein

Jacqueline Sternfeld

Susan Sznajer

Colin Tow

Sylvia Walters

John Wineberg

Myer Zamek

Masada College

Tzipi Avioz

Richard Bleier

Diana Bloch

Dina Coppel

Karen Ezrock

Izette Felthun

Felice Fingleson

Monica Fiorentini

Nikky Florence

Leanne Glasser

Robyn Goldin

Michele Graeve

Elly Guth

Nadine Joel

Miriam Joffe

Janet Kalmin

Renee Kanowitz

Lee-Anne Kitay

Cherrise Levitan

Susan Lipman

Desray Maltz

Joanne Marx

Lynne Michel

Jackie Milch

Steven Munitz

Simone Rutovitz

Daniel Segal

Anne Sheinbar

Julia Shofer

Robyn Smith

Sherna Teperson

Alix Toynton

Sue Werner

Helen Zatz

Bernice Zworestine

Moriah College

Eli Alster

Trevor Amoils

Rami Baron

David Benchoam

Simon Benstock

Harry Bernfield

Lynne Berson

Zelene Bloom

Sue Cassrels

Robyn Chester

Sharon Cohen

Lauren Ehrlich

Tara Ende

Jeff Engelman

Angela Epstein

David Epstein

Stephen Feldman

Lauren Fink

Dana Fuzi

Lisa Gaitz

Peta Gam

Valerie Geller

Mark Gold

Jenny Goldberg

David Goldman

Lynne Goldschmidt

Igor Gris

Jeff Hauser

Dawn Herman

Howard Herman

Chaim Hirsch

Rosalie Hirsch

Sandra Hochberg

Nanette Horak

Jonathan Kahn

Patti-Lou Kahn

Sara Karpin

Graeme Katz

Kevin Krost

John Kupferman

Eli Lees

Sherel Levy

Naomi Liskowski

Natalie Lobelson

Darron Lonstein

Judy Lowy

Raveena Marks

Arlene Mazabow

Linda McCarthy

Heidi Mirels

Joel Moss

Dani Nathanson

Avron Newstadt

Tamara Pollak

Ivy Puterflam

Peter Reichman

Antony Resnick

Nicole Resnick

Glenn Rosen

Anthony Rubin

Michelle Serebro

Ingrid Shakenovsky

Gil Sher

Michele Silver

Linda Tate

Gill Taylor

Dianne Vesely

Simone Volanakis

Sharon Wahlhaus

Debi Weiss

Robert Wicks

Judy Wilk

Jenny Wohl

Peter Wohl

Graham Wolf

Michael Woods

Carolyn Ziegler

Tammy Zwi

Mount Sinai College

Maurice Finberg

Zoltan Grunstein

Joel Liebovitz

Eric Meyer

David Milston

Leon Rosenthal

Steve Seidman

Yaffa Taibel

Naomi Winton

National Council of Jewish Women

Diana Bahar

Anne Biner

Dinah Danon

Kate Feigen

Karen Fried

Phyl Glasser

Sonia Gold

Sadie Grant

Josephine Holland

Rosa Israel

Susan Levy

Anne Reid

Ralene Reuveny

Nona Rosenbaum

Lilian Selby

Jan Shedlezki

Vicky Steigrad

Adrienne Swarts

Laura Taitz

Ruth Turner

NSW Board of Progressive Jewish Education

Carolyn Davey

Brian Green

Alan Taylor

Joan Taylor

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies

Andrew Casey

Michael Jaku

Yair Miller

Sandra Rothman

Jennifer Symonds

Uri Windt

Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish Home

Ruth Bender

Helen Bloom

Ken Bloom

George Bluth

Shirley Cohen

Janice Goldman

Marcelle Grolman

Leon Portrate

Daryl Schaefer

Naomi Thaler

Sydney Jewish Museum

Estelle Adamek

Racheline Barda

Miriam Bauer

David Benedikt

Lucy Chipkin

Sue Denenberg

Les Devenyi

Diane Drexler

Ruth Eckstein

Yvonne Engelman

Alexander Ferson

Magda Forbath

Herbert Freeman

Vera Goldberg

Helena Goldstein

Madeline Goodman

Renee Goodman

Stanley Grosman

Gael Hammer

Margot Hilton

Olga Horak

Valerie Hosek

Judith Indyk

Edward Jaku

Gerty Jellinek

Vera Kertesz

Jeanette Kidron

Ruth Leiser

Litzi Lemberg

Barbara Linz

Lina Lipton

Sylvia Maehrischel

Robyn Manoy

Shirley Margolin

Spike Meyerson

Alexandra Minc

Rachel Moses

Shmulek Moses

Judith Nachum

Peter Nash

Sonia Sankey

Judy Solomon

Amalia Sonnabend

Peggy Sorger

Helen Staub

George Sternfeld

Bettina Streimer

Beate Stricker

Margot Tischmann

Peter Wagner

Frank Wood

Charlotte Zettel

Mary Ziegler

Helga Zwi

The Burger Centre

Fay Adler

Ruth Rosen

The Shalom Institute

Evelynne Cherny

Judy Diamond

Alan Gold

Joe Hersch

Shirley Hersch

Lisa Jackson Pulver

Heidi Melamed

Diane Seeto

Merril Shead

Anne Sowey

Wolper Jewish Hospital

Harry Guth

Leigh Reading

Dov Spiro

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