JCA goes behind the scenes

July 1, 2011 by Community Editor
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Sydney’s Joint Communal Appeal has interviewed members of the community who play an integral part in how JCA functions. President Peter Philippsohn explains what is behind the venture…

Peter Philippsohn

from Peter Philippsohn…

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”–Winston Churchill
People very often see the Jewish Communal Appeal as purely a fund raising organisation.
However, I’d rather think of JCA as part of our community’s people raising organisation.People are our greatest asset.
In my ten years with JCA and earlier through other organisations, I’ve met many of our community’s great volunteers. These aren’t just the presidents and board members who give invaluable service, these are people who just want to “do something”.
If you’re reading this blog, there’s a very good chance that you’re one of them.
I recently spent time with Ari Kuchar, a young videographer recently, putting together JCA’s Testimonial Series which involved interviewing six volunteers at some of our communal organisations. Ari’s comment at the end of the sessions was that he didn’t know that all these services existed in our local Jewish community. Ari found his greatest challenge was editing the to the final cut of the clip because “it was all such good stuff”.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be releasing these video interviews (vlogs) so you can meet some of the special people who we rely on. In no particular order they include:
* Liz Sharota at JewishCare offers bereavement counselling through its Chesed program.    * Anthony Goodridge at Maccabi coaches young kids in swimming    * Noellene Rosen at Sydney Jewish Museum records and documents the history of Holocaust survivors    * George Freund does anything that is asked of him at CoA    * Jeremy Spinak at the Board of Deputies guards against antisemitism    * Linda Kugel at Moriah makes Parents into Friends
Each has a unique story as to how they came to volunteer for the community.   I hope you found them as engaging and personal as I did whilst filming.
I thank each of these volunteers for sharing their story with us.”


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