Israeli-born artist and Maitland Cemetery
Hanna Kay’s paintings of the Jewish cemetery in Maitland are currently being exhibited in Moree before being shown in Melbourne next month.
The exhibition will open at the Maitland Regional Art Gallery on Sunday, May 30, following its current renovations. The Gallery commissioned the work.
The Melbourne exhibition will be held at the Jewish Museum of Australia towards the end of March.
The artist, who now lives in country NSW, has openly written her thoughts relating to the work…
from Hanna Kay
As much as I believe I have detached myself from the events that make my history, I cannot be free from interacting with them. I feel like a molecule in a thread of Jewishness.
Jewish people are called the people of the Book. Over 4000 tumultuous years they have held on to the Word and to the hermeneutics and commentaries that have been added over the years. I have been trying to remember millennia of cultural narrative that flow in my blood and had been imprinted in me while growing up. I am sifting through stories, legends, mythologies, historical facts, contradictions, and poetry that have oozed into my psyche and shaped identity. This exhibition attempts to address the connections between this mythical storyline and my biography, creating a broader narrative which resonates with other peoples and cultures. * * A cemetery is a place that matters – a place of rest. The first thing I saw was tall grass overtaking the weather-worn tombstones. The yellow grass swayed in the gentle wind, turning silvery-green where the field met the blue horizon. A wire fence defined the block of land where the gravestones were arranged in skewed rows. Behind the fence, in a paddock that stretched behind the horizon, a horse was eyeing the overgrown grass in the cemetery. Hidden in the grass was an alphabet spelling unthinkable stories. * |
J-Wire publishes an outstanding video of the project. The video features noted broadcaster Philip Adams.
waterways from leslie wand on Vimeo.
Hanna Kay has published “Undertow”…a book recording the development of the Maitland Cemetery Art project.