Israel sends thousands of instant meals to refugees in Ukraine

July 29, 2022 by TPS
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Israel has shipped 25,000 instant meals to Kharkiv as part of continuing Israeli humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.

Demonstration at HaBima square in Tel Aviv against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and against Putin, ahead of a screening of Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech. Tel Aviv, Mar 20, 2022. Photo by Uri Lev Tager/TPS

Humanitarian cargo will be delivered to other Ukrainian cities in the near future, Israel’s embassy in Ukraine announced.

Earlier this month, Israel sent equipment to emergency and civilian organisations in Ukraine, including 1,500 helmets, 1,500 protective vests, hundreds of protective suits for mine clearance, 1,000 gas masks, and tens of CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) filters, the second such shipment since Russia invaded the country.

Israel’s previous mobilisation to transfer extensive humanitarian and medical assistance to Ukraine includes flying children with cancer to Israel for treatment, sending the fully-equipped and staffed Kochav Meir field hospital and then donating the equipment, medicines, ambulances, food, generators, and more.

Ukraine has demanded that Israel equip it with military gear. Seeking to avoid a clash with Russia, Israel has lent its support to Ukraine while maintaining a semblance of neutrality and has transferred tons of equipment in civilian aid.


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