Israel float at Auckland’s Mardi Gras

February 24, 2014 by Henry Benjamin
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Members of the Israeli Embassy staff in Wellington have participated in the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Auckland.

The embassy ‘float’ was in fact an open sports car bedecked with Israeli and the multi-stripe GLBT flags.

Although the ambassador took his seat at the St James Theatre in Wellington at the Batsheva Dance Company’s performance, the staff who made the trip to Auckland were accompanied by  children and a dog….

A spokesoerson for the embassy told J-Wire: “Despite a feeble attempt of a small group of BDS campaigners who broke into the parade and tried to block the Embassy’s participation, the participation of the Israeli Embassy float was a big success and was received with great enthusiasm, cheers and smiles by the Auckland public. This event, which celebrates  people of all genders and ethnicities underpins Israel’s stance on democracy, tolerance and freedom of speech and proves to differ the argument of those who claim that Israel is an Apartheid State!”

More than 50,000 spectators came to watch the 48 colorful floats which closed the very successful two-week long Auckland Pride Festival.

A spokesperson for the Israeli Embassy in Canberra told J-Wire that an Israeli DJ is making the trip specially to participate in this weekend’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney.


Flying the flags

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