Irredeemably disconnected
Last week, I outlined how Jewish individuals and groups are displaying their disconnection from history and today’s reality.

Michael Kuttner
One could have hoped that given the overwhelming evidence of Hamas evil now uncovered and revealed some sort of belated revelation might dawn upon addled minds. Unfortunately, logic seems to have escaped those spewing mindless slogans and instead of an embarrassed retraction the verbal and physical assaults intensify.
If this lunacy were confined to immature university students, it would be bad enough. The trouble is that the pandemic of ignorance and deliberate distortions has now spread to ostensibly educated professionals and clueless politicians alike.
A survey of this past week’s performances should convince even the most sceptical that despite everything there is no possibility of convincing brainwashed loathers of the errors of their ways.
Most of the world has already moved on from the plight of the hostages kidnapped to Gaza. This is clearly evident from the media which in the main has lost interest and prefers instead to obsess about Israeli crimes. The same can be said for many politicians who focus instead on cease-fire demands. Also now almost completely ignored is the daily barrage of rockets from Gaza into Israeli towns and cities. Iran’s inexorable march to the nuclear bomb and its complicity in the terror from Gaza, Hezbollah as well as Yemen seem to be no longer newsworthy.
The same goes for the mobs marching through cities, screaming inciting invectives against Israel and Jews.
How much more mindless can it get when one sees Jews holding placards decorated with Stars of David and proclaiming “no violence in our name?” They are not, heaven forbid, condemning Hamas and other terror groups for murdering Israelis or kidnapping them. No, their self-righteous indignation is reserved solely for Israel’s campaign to rescue and save these hostages from death and to bring the terrorists and their willing helpers to account. Have they condemned Hamas for building tunnels under Gaza hospitals, schools and mosques and storing weapons there? Perish the thought. Their selective outrage is decidedly one-sided.
This sick behaviour is symptomatic of the fatal malaise that infects far too many who use their so-called Jewishness as a weapon to bludgeon the rest of us and thus gain the fleeting approval of the woke ignorant masses.
The results of this charade can be discerned from the aftermath of the recent demonstration in Washington where 300,000 Jewish Americans came to show their support for Israel. It certainly was a media spectacle. Much has been made of the fact that the demonstrators spanned a wide ideological spectrum and despite their differences managed to display a unity of purpose.
What seems to have escaped the commentators, however, were subsequent comments by the irredeemable Jewish woke and progressive groupies. They bitterly complained that “even speakers who were touted as left were in fact not progressive enough.” The corollary is that supporting Israel must somehow also be conditional. It must be balanced by support for the poor oppressed Gazans and Palestinian Arabs who continue to be victims of alleged Israel’s crimes since 1948. In other words, any demonstration supporting Israel’s right to exist must automatically be equated with sympathy for those doing their best to finish off the Jewish State.
This mindset by disconnected Jews explains why the war crimes of abducting civilians and holding them hostage is rapidly falling off the international community’s radar. Commentators and political “experts” are warning that the longer Israel’s campaign to eradicate the terrorists continues, the quicker any latent support for Israel will wane.
At the end of the Holocaust, after some of the major Nazi war criminals had been tried and executed, the Allies rapidly lost interest in tracking down and bringing to justice the majority of the willing accomplices to this genocide. In fact, some of the Nazi murderers were welcomed and given sanctuary and jobs as the will to hunt them down rapidly waned. It was only Simon Wiesenthal and Israel who pursued them.
Today, the world again prefers to let bygones be bygones. That is why Israel’s determination to track down and eliminate the 7 October perpetrators and facilitators is rapidly becoming a burdensome liability for so many. The fact that there are Jews joining this chorus merely proves their total disconnection.
They no doubt will be cheering the admonition uttered by the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs during his recent visit to Israel. After having been shown the grizzly sights of mutilated corpses and burnt and decapitated bodies in the kibbutzim attacked by Hamas, his main piece of advice was that “Israelis should not be consumed by rage.” No doubt, after a three-minute silence at the EU Parliament, it will be back to normal business, with the EU showering the PA with more money.
Unsurprisingly, Jewish Democratic politicians in the USA are already “wobbling” and wavering in their support for Israel, and the same can be seen in other countries.
If you need another good example of disconnected Jews then take note of this latest episode of lunacy from the “goldene medina.” Nine hundred chefs in North America have signed a petition calling for a boycott of Israeli restaurants and Israeli food to protest against “the attacks in Gaza.” They claim Israel is appropriating Palestinian cuisine and trying to erase it from the culinary world, just as it is trying to erase the Palestinian people. Among the signatories are several notable Jewish names including one of the initiators of the petition and several owners of Jewish delicatessens throughout the country.
Note that these food intelligentsia are not concerned about the hostages. Their sole condemnation revolves around Israel’s attempts to rescue them and deal with the terrorists who are hiding among civilians, hospitals, schools and Mosques.
All those who still think that Abbas and the PA are the best candidates for lasting peace and democracy, are not only dangerously delusional but also irredeemably disconnected from reality. Every day reveals yet more disturbing evidence that instead of being part of the solution, the PA and its corrupt officials are in actual fact, very much part of the problem.
As many monitoring groups such as PMW and MEMRI attest, the daily outpouring of support for Hamas and its genocidal agenda leaves no room for doubt or ambiguity. This week saw an assertion by the PA that Hamas had nothing to do with the massacres. Instead, they blamed Israel itself for murdering its own citizens. This outrageous attempt at falsifying Islamic terror backfired badly but not before social media had spread the lies. Realizing that they had shot themselves in the foot again, the PA deleted its claims and pretended that Abbas had not been consulted before posting the item. As nothing gets printed, posted or broadcast without prior approval from Ramallah officials, this attempt at damage control can be dismissed.
Meanwhile the frenzy of hate and incitement against Israel and Jews continues unabated.
Not helping at all are the pathetic platitudes from “friends” and “allies” warning that unless Israel shows restraint, it risks its own security. Showing restraint was always the default position of defenceless Jews in the ghettos and shtetls of Europe. It seems that for some Jews this genetic cringing response remains despite everything that has transpired.
What can one make of Jews who support those screaming for Israel’s extinction? Can they somehow receive absolution?
In a recent edition of the Jerusalem Post, I found the answer to this question given by two knowledgeable Jewish personalities.
Natan Sharansky called these individuals, “Un Jews.”
In his words: “they believe the only way to fulfill the Jewish mission of saving the world with Jewish values is to UNDO the ways most actual Jews do Jewishness. For many of these un Jews the public and communal staging of their anti-Israel and anti-Zionist beliefs appears to be the badge of a superior form of Judaism stripped of its unsavory and unethical ethnocentric & colonialist baggage.”
The editor of the JP nailed it even more forcefully: “The prominence of visibly Jewish anti-Zionists in the ongoing flood of bile and opprobrium targeting the Jewish State in the aftermath of the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust should repulse us all. These people work to undermine Israel’s legitimacy, to single it out for censure & ultimately to dismantle the Jewish State and yet again render the Jewish People stateless and defenseless. Those who have aligned themselves with the murderers of Jewish children are not with us. They are against us. We need to view them as lost to our People and treat them as such.”
Not mentioned but well worth emphasizing is the fact that the funders of these un-Jews should also be outed and ostracized.
We have survived such types throughout our long history, and no doubt will do so again.
Michael Kuttner is a Jewish New Zealander who for many years was actively involved with various communal organisations connected to Judaism and Israel. He now lives in Israel and is J-Wire’s correspondent in the region.
With one major exception, none of the phenomena related to the October 7 tragedy should be considered a surprise. The exception still remains the criminal negligence of the Netanyahu government in covering an impregnable security along the Gaza border line with Israel proper. Along the well known anti Israel islamic entities of all kind, the traditional antisemitic entities throughout are now eliciting a venal syndrome, the existential condition of the urge to HATE. Under the guise of “spiritual” inspiration cum commands as well as “intellectual” rationale, social-political activism has gained unprecedented proportions. In concrete terms we, Jews, should not be surprised at all if our civilised urban environment is in some cases seriously, in fact dangerously affected by militant… Jew hate. A well known spectrum of terror threatens democratic entities. Identified sections akin to the 9/11 “model” are marching along our otherwise safe city main avenues with legal assent manifesting anything but safety for at least one clearly identified group, the Jews. NOTHING NEW, none of those who attacked Israel and voice the same hate almost daily en masse have not been known by us and, to be VERY clear, known to us for MILLENIA. As they seem determined to march on, we should maintain our resolve to resist intelligently all that has challenged our existence. One minor detail needs mentioning…All those Gazans screaming blue murder today have been seen on October 7th rejoicing extatically the horrors committed by their hamas heroes upon the Jews of Israel …. What did they expect of the same Jews…!!!
You are spot on with this evaluation
You must also understand that we are witnessing the rise of Islam around the world,whereby governments are scared of upsetting these fundamentalists that will challenge democracies,and policies to our disadvantage,except some European countries Beware their objectives
They want to dominate all western countries