Interfaith and Youth
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria has hosted a Community Reference Group (CRG) forum last week to discuss issues relating to Youth Engagement.

Rabbi Gutnick, Rabbi Caplan (Chair CRG) , Arvind Shrivastava, Nomi Kaltmann, Monsignor Greg Bennet, Lana Block, Sunim Bom Hyon, Rachel Mihalovich (Exec Dir. RCV)
The CRG consists of faith leaders from the broader Victorian Community who gather on a regular basis to discuss and share thoughts and ideas in relation to some of the contemporary social challenges facing the Victorian Community where input and guidance from religious leadership would be of benefit.
The CRG meeting was chaired by the RCV’s Rabbi Shamir Caplan and included participants from the Anglican, Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim and Sikh communities.
The CRG invited a panel of speakers who are involved with youth to present on a range of models and programs that would encourage positive youth engagement within the community and it’s faith based organisations. Guests speakers included: Lana Block, Young Achievers Coordinator, Jewish Care; Myra White Community Portfolio Manager – Young People, Priority Communities Division, Victoria Police; Anthony Abate, Portfolio Community Manager, Multicultural Communities, Victoria Police; Nomi Kaltmann, Student Representative Council and Jen Brooker, Youth Work Coordinator at RMIT University
The RCV is currently planning a CRG Plenum later in the year, which will constitute a larger representation of faith leaders from within the Victorian Community to brainstorm and workshop on the various issues being dealt with by the CRG this year.
RCV President Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant expressed the RCV’s appreciation for the support of OMAC and the Minister for Multicultural affairs who made this project possible. “This is yet another example of the benefits of multicultural engagement within the Victorian Community” said Rabbi Kluwgant.