Indian Jewish entry for Short + Sweet

February 12, 2014 by Geoff Sirmai
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Indian theatre company CreaShakthi visits Sydney later this month to perform their prize-winning play “The Quest” in the final week of  Short+Sweet.

The-Quest---team-winning-ChennaiThe play – about a young half-Jewish, half-Indian investment banker’s quest to find true love – scooped the pool of awards at Short+Sweet Chennai 2013 including Best Play, Best Original Script and Best Actor.

Written by Jayshree Venkatesan, it stars Murali K. Satagopan, directed by Vaidhya M. Sundar and is the company’s international debut. Jayshree said Jewish audience members in India had been much amused by the story of the picky young man born of Jewish and Indian parents who carries a double load of cultural baggage. She was very excited about bringing the piece to Sydney.

The Quest is one of 10 short plays – all less than 10 minutes long – playing all week (Wed to Sun) from Feb 26 to March 2 at King Street Theatre Newtown. Full details and bookings

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