Home chefs meet Damien Pignolet…a J-Wire photo gallery
Were you one of those who watched renowned chef Damien Pignolet work his magic at Sydney’s Montefiore Randwick campus recently? A J-Wire photo gallery.
[smugmug url=”http://realitymedia.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=49659424_jvzSsc&format=rss200″ title=”Damien%20Pignolet%20at%20the%20Monte” imagecount=”100″ start=”1″ num=”100″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”smugmug” captions=”true” sort=”true” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”M”]
Where a person prays does not determine her Jewish status.
A person is Jewish if born of a Jewish mother or converted in Beis Din according to Halacha.
One finds Jews in all synagogues and one finds non Jews in all synagogues.
What a great investment – already tasting the benefits!